I don't hardly know where to begin.
Some of you are aware that I have a cousin living in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area with whom I stayed during this year's Apostofest. A few of you are even aware that she was in remission from 4th stage non-Hodgkins lymphoma after experimental treatments. She needs help, which is not really cancer-related (although it is likely back), and I am so far away here in Michigan that I am hoping that someone closer might be able to help.
To put it bluntly, she is starving and has no money and no transportation at the moment. She needs groceries, but even were I to wire her money, she has no way of getting to the grocery store. She needs some antibiotics, but again, no money and no transportation. She needs to have tests performed -- a second CT scan with contrast dye, bloodwork, sonograms of her spleen and under her arm -- already ordered by her doctors. All to confirm what we already think we know, based on other symptoms and tests: that the cancer is back.
She is in the middle of a very NASTY divorce, and although she is disabled (and has been her entire married life and before), her soon-to-be-ex has refused to pay utilities and such since he abandoned her and their house in June. She has filed Chapter 13 (?) singly in an attempt not to lose the house, which was going into foreclosure, so her SSI check must go directly to the bankruptcy court to meet THAT payment or she will lose the roof over her head and her share of the equity. As a consequence, this week may see her without water or gas (electric is caught up, so she might have that for a bit longer). He is an abuser and would rather see her out on the street than have his share of the house. That she is sick and unable to work doesn't matter to him. (Scumbag!)
She was trying to hold on until yesterday when the final hearing was supposed to be held on her divorce. Instead, it got pushed back to October 23. She lost it. She was suicidal ... IS suicidal, at her rope's end! Frankly, if I had everything coming down on me the way she does, I'd probably have checked out long ago!
Anyway, the immediate need is food. I will gladly send money for groceries via Western Union or PayPal to whomever feels they would be able to shop for her and deliver food (and possibly a printer cartridge?) to her home this weekend. This requires a leap of faith on my part, but I'm counting on my good-hearted 'postate buddies to lend an honest hand.
A secondary need is transportation to and from her medical appointments. I will be checking out possible social services (already know that United Way and Catholic Services will not help) on Monday as I believe she has already cancelled Monday's tests since her van is dead in her driveway.
If anyone can help, please PM me or e-mail me at [email protected] and we can discuss details.
Thanks very much.