Oh sheesh...it was always something with me. I was never good enough. Here's my list:
1. Trouble!
4. You'd done something wrong.
9. You'd forgotten to turn in your field service report.
10. Your skirt was too short. (And then I was told it was too long...that skirts down to the ankles were immodest. Elder's wife standing behind elder telling me so. What can I say? They were in style then.)
12. You musta said something wrong.
15. You'd been sprung!
16. "I'm holding you up as an example for my daughter. DON'T disappoint me." "Stay away from the boys your age in the hall." "Don't touch people on the arm." "Don't give Brother So-and-so a hug; his wife is jealous and thinks you're a slut." "Do MORE...do MORE...DO MORE!" "Did we mention that you're not doing enough?" "Cleaning the hall is a privilege; why aren't you helping?"
Blah blah blah, yada yada yada.