Ozzie's Weekend Poll #67

by ozziepost 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wolfgirl

    Oh sheesh...it was always something with me. I was never good enough. Here's my list:

    1. Trouble!

    4. You'd done something wrong.

    9. You'd forgotten to turn in your field service report.

    10. Your skirt was too short. (And then I was told it was too long...that skirts down to the ankles were immodest. Elder's wife standing behind elder telling me so. What can I say? They were in style then.)

    12. You musta said something wrong.

    15. You'd been sprung!

    16. "I'm holding you up as an example for my daughter. DON'T disappoint me." "Stay away from the boys your age in the hall." "Don't touch people on the arm." "Don't give Brother So-and-so a hug; his wife is jealous and thinks you're a slut." "Do MORE...do MORE...DO MORE!" "Did we mention that you're not doing enough?" "Cleaning the hall is a privilege; why aren't you helping?"

    Blah blah blah, yada yada yada.

  • blondie

    1, 4, 12

    I have never been asked to go to the back room. That was because it was hard to find 2 elders brave enough.

    Usually, they talk about you behind your back at an elders' meeting and spread their "judgments" through their wives to the rest of the congregation.


  • ozziepost


    That reminds me: there was a time not too long ago when the branch in Oz was "run" by a sister elder!! The funny thing was that the branch committee knew it!!!!!!!!!!

    cheers to you, keep up the good work!


  • Amazing

    Hi Ozzie,

    All the above and more ... except number 6 ... it was not a secret handshake ... it was ... mmmm ... oh, I can't tell ... I am bound by confidentiality.

  • expatbrit
    12. You musta said something wrong.

    "Brother Expatbrit, do you think that Jesus would have made those kind of jokes? While humour is a good quality, we must ensure it doesn't violate our Christian principles."


  • caspian

    Such a funny post this week Ozzie.

    7. You were being selected for KH toilet cleaning.

    I was once asked to be the Toilet Overseer, or was it the assistant toilet overseer.


    ..Just reaching out for the U Bend privilege.

  • rocketman

    It meant that there was something wrong, and it could have been some of the things listed. Having been on the elder end of such 'meetings' they were seldom for something a person did well - maybe to meet with someone who wanted to become a publisher, but that was about it for the good stuff.

  • drwtsn32

    #16....they'd want to dump some crappy responsibility on me (besides toilet cleaning).

    I once had an elder literally look up and say "Thank you Jehovah!" when he dumped the responsibility of calling a half dozen people and hooking them into the sound system before each meeting.

  • BluesBrother

    It means that "5 Minutes" will stretch to half an hour of debating some non essential issue, or the latest letter from our "Mother" Organisation.

    All I wanted to do was cut to the point, get it sorted and go home.

  • morty

    # 16......We have come to your home because .....we have concerns of your outrage,when you are approched by us........You tent to be to loud and get defensive when we want to approch you.....................Maybe you need more sprirtual food?........

    Maybe I ate too much and I am ful!!!!!!!!!..............bla,bla,ba,bla,,,bla,


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