Because Jesus' name appears directly in the NT...? The name Jehovah is only in the OT and it's incomplete....only four letters YHWH.
Calling God By His Name?
by shamus 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
But in the new testament, in the original language, I'm sure it's not written Jesus, but in greek. Every language will have their way of writting Jesus.
My name is John and even in chinese my name should be John and not &?%$%
Yes, Jesus is pronounced differently in each language. In Greek it is I·e·sous. The dubs make such a big deal out of the pronunciation of Jehovah's fun.
The R&F JW can't call god father because under WT doctrine, they are not brothers of Christ or sons of the father, with exception of the anointed.
I believe this to be the fundamental reason the WT insists on not referring ot god as father.
It's like I have always said,
you can go Yahweh,
and I will go mine.
... by the way, hi .
I have always thought that it was disrespectful to call God by his name.
We call judges "Your Honor", our own parents dad, father, etc. We say "Sir" to those in authoritive postitions such as police officers, commanding officers in the military, etc.
How on earth do we justify calling the creator by his name?
How on earth do we justify calling the creator by his name?
Acts 2:21?
Welcome MAKAVELI ...
(nice avatar all in black like that ... hummmmm !!!)
it looks like plmcrzy once -
Historically IMHO the question is not really whether God may be called Yhwh (whatever the vowels) but how the old god Yhwh ever came to be "God".
Just to recall Friedrich Nietzche's saying (unauthorized translation): "The gods are dead: they died laughing when they heard one of them proclaiming he was the only one."
In my discussion with my pioneer mother last week, I told her outright that I am more comfortable with God and I told her that I felt it to be extremely disrespectful to act as if we are on a first name basis with God., and her response was " Well, Jehovah is more PRECISE." (compared to what, since it is an assumption or a guess that this is the way it is pronounced in the first place!) ( I certainly don't take it as a complement when someone gets my name wrong!) Thanks, but I guess in this case I would rather be vague than "precise"