Are the Borg still monitoring this board (and others)? If so they seem to be allowing a large amount of time before taking any retributive action. Has anyone heard of any follow thru from the Borg from being identified here recently? Some are now so plainly identifiable (even by picture?) that the history of posts and the details therein available to Borg monitors almost gives the DNA of the individual - yet it seems that they are taking no action - is there a reason for this? Are the Borg scared of taking action - experience tells me that that will never be the case - do they have some other cunning plan? If, as it seems, they are not following up on cases of "apostasy" why is this - have they got too much on their hands re Court Cases etc?
Borg monitoring of this board
by core 29 Replies latest jw friends
I doubt the Borg is concerned with individuals on this site who are openly 'apostate'. I would think that a much bigger concern might be looking for bethel leakers or others who might still be undercover.
So whats the worse they can do Core? I really don't know.
Could they bring a court case against something said on a forum?, would they?
I am sure that certain ones have to be careful, and they have my deepest respect for doing so,
For me, yeah I have identified myself, as has Cassie, but after the death of our father, we couldn't give a toss what the Society think or do anymore.
I believe that Cassie feels they won't take action against him, for a reason he won't tell me about.
BTW I think it is an excellent point you have raised and I will be watching to see what the forum "heavyweights" have to say on the subject
I made an early mistake, on this board, by commenting that I was a Scottish Elder.
The following Elder's School (Dec.2001) I got asked some probing questions, by the C.O., as they tried to identify who it might be.
Fortunately I had already planned to get out a couple of weeks later, by DA'ing.It isn't just paranoia, they do monitor stuff like this!
haha. Little Toe.
I got asked some probing questions, by the C.O., as they tried to identify who it might be.
Did he ask you to take your shoes off.......... hmmmm you do have little toes.
I am sure that they do! And they can kiss my a**!
They don't take action because they have better thing to do! And they are trying to cut back on their staff at bethel to meet their bottom line... no manpower.
Room 215
Let's see...... there's a site that's main topic is you, your inner circle and its foibles, providing a glimpse as to how you look to others; it's overwhelmingly negative and super easy to access... what would you do?
Of course they monitor it; for no other reason then that human nature and curiosity demand it! Then too, as Blondie's reviews of WT articles demonstrate, the tenor of many if not most study articles is reactive, addressing what the leaders perceive to be negative tendencies among the flock, and it fair to assume their impressions are drawn from what they hear from their people in the field (CO)s, etc, and what they read here.
I was traced; not so difficult back then - someone copied stuff and gave me in, sent an anonymous letter to the WBTS; they sent a letter to me, asking was I the one? ..... have grown more careful since then ............
They don't take action because they have better thing to do!
Yeah, like protecting child molesters!
Doubtfully Yours
Just in case the Organization is monitoring this Website, here are some of my suggestions:
- Please reduce the meetings to just twice per week and 60 mins each time. This can be done easily by doing away with the book study meeting, combining the school and service meeting into one, reduce the Public Talk to 25 mins, and the Watchtower study to 25 mins.
- Please just print one magazine, you may make it a little thicker if you wish; and also only one issue per month.
- This shunning/disfellowshipping thing is not working out in this day and age. Modigy it please; like so many more important issues, please leave it to people's conscience.
- Please only celebrate a 2-day assembly per year. In lieu of the other two assemblies, you may celebrate a special 2-hour Sunday meeting twice per year.
- Please do away with this monthly informing of service hours, studies, and literature. The Organization can measure its progress by KH meeting attendance.
I feel confident that in due time the New Light will show how reasonable these changes are.