Borg monitoring of this board

by core 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    I know I am repeating myself Sorry!! But when I picketed Bethel( Brooklyn)a Brother? I was walking beside "chatting him up" lol Waited until he was around the corner ( out of eyeshot of prying eyes at the windows of Bethel) said to me. "You will get caught we are on the net!!" I replied "Oh GREAT!!!! Hope your reading it all.".. Fear!!! what a shame in America!!! Supposed to be the freeiest country in the world.& This in NEW YORK CITY!!!!!

  • orangefatcat

    If the Borg still monitors this board and others, they are merely out to see who are bethelites who may be showing signs of rebelion or saying things that are normally out of character. The same being the case for elders, lets face facts there are rat elders. Little Toe mentioned you have to be extremely careful as to your own identity and that of fellow persons on the board. That is a good point!!

    This is only in regards to fellow friends who need to be a little careful for some reason. As to regard, court cases they(the Borg) need to know what we know. aany tid bit that is said here first before it is published. etc etc..

    Doubltfully Yours: I love your ideas.

    Love ya,


  • StinkyPantz

    I think even if you are "out" on this board, people might still have dark motives. Beware, people are not always what they seem.

  • SixofNine
    For me, yeah I have identified myself, as has Cassie, but after the death of our father, we couldn't give a toss what the Society think or do anymore.


    But won't that affect your relationship with people like Jem's wife and child?

    *bats eyelashes*

    Six~ trying to keep up class

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    I am sure some Witnesses moniter this board, especially if they think they know anyone or any situation posted about. I suspect the elders or COs don't have to follow the rules the others do, about avoiding the internet.

    I am not JW, but I certainly got the "feeling" from a zealous well connected JW, that this person had seen this board and read certain posts, and didn't like them. It was quite eerie. But it also reinforced to me, that being cautious is just good common sense, when who knows what strangers are reading the forum and putting things together.

    I have nothing to fear from the Watchtower, but I still like my privacy.

  • caspian

    I don't know about any of the other branches, but the UK have had someone monitoring the internet for a while now, he goes by the nickname Bod, and I wont reveal his real name, although that was 18 months ago or so.

    It was Bod who got Witness Aid UK closed down by freeserve, logged the ks 91 sites and tried to get them closed down.

    He works off tips from loyal brothers plus his own work, logs the info and passes it on to the relevant parties.

    He knows me and I know him.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    It has been 20 years for me....I honestly dont care what they think of me any more that I care what the muslim extremists think. Or the catholic church , or the jewish contingent.

    The fact is, if you are still part of the "organization" you will be paranoid. It is only human nature. As was discreetly pointed out to me earlier, not everyone on this board wants to be "outside" just yet , for what ever reason. Whoever you are, I hope you deal well with it . To each his own time. My support is with you.

    As for the Glorious Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, what can they really do ---"disfellowship us"?


    I had been an Pioneer and ministerial servant and at age 21 decided that I wanted to go to school to study architecture. The local elders made such a big event out of this , and gave my father (also an elder) such a hard time about it ..Fortunatley, my father was very PRO about education ( smart man). During college I had "fallen away" ( I ran like HELL when I really felt I was beyond their influence). The Elders attempted to disfellowship me, reasoning that I was no longer a good influence on the other young peple in the congregation ( others had also decided to go to college). Although I had dated many of the sisters ( respectfully of course) I was smart enough to know that I was not ready to commit to marriage. I spent one of my school years studying abroad in Rome, Italy and when I returned home, the elders were waiting and made a friendly call to my parents house.

    I was dragged into Elder meeting after elder meeting and accused of "fornicating, drug abuse, etc, etc" Of course, none of it was true. It became obvious that they were not going to let me exit that religion gracefully or just fade away, they were attempting to make an expample of me , and according to my Elder father, were "railroading" me to disfellowshipment.

    I finally consulted an attorney and began proceedings to sue the 6 elders who were harassing me. When they realized that they were in possible danger of losing the houses that they lived in in a court settlement, they were intructed by WTBTS to leave me alone. And they did.

    I have not heard from any of them since ( going on 20 years) . My entire family is now out. I may be disfellowshipped, who knows, and at this stage for me, it really DOES NOT MATTER..

    It is a secure feeling to be free



  • mouthy

    Cas??? would his name be Earnest???

  • Mindchild

    Considering the policy of theocratic warfare and the Bible examples of spying on your enemies, I find it easy to believe that the WTS monitors this board and others. You need to consider what the benefits of the time and effort required to do this would be. Finding active elders, Bethelities, or other "important" JW's was already mentioned. The benefits of them weeding out "wolves in sheep's clothing" is pretty obvious. What probably scares them more is the potential threat of an organized apostate movement against them.

    It's no secret that trying to collectively organize apostates to fight against the Borg is similar to trying to herd wild house cats together for some purpose. People who leave the WTS are often anxious to put as much distance as they can with the WTS, not to stay around and do battle with it. However, all this could change someday, as the collective anger we share against the Borg is a force to be feared by them. All it would take, IMHO is some really outrageous action against ex-JW's that everyone could relate to. I don't think the WTS ever wants to see that happen, not so much that we are superhumans but they know better than to stir up a hornet's nest.

    Also, by knowing their enemies by reading this board and others, they can plan their damage control strategies. They are sure to get tip off's from what they read here that will slap them in the face in the near future. Look at the UN library card scandal for example.

    I don't think they are really that interested in individuals and their "hedonistic" lives (at least that is how the WTS sees us) but if they ever found someone in the online world who had an amazing ability to organize people and rally them for a cause, you can bet the would be making a file on them.

    Finally, I think they need apostates. Look at the example of America after the evil Soviet Union bit the dust and collapsed. There was a tremendous war machine looking for an enemy to fight. Our government had to invent one to keep the status quo. The Society needs an enemy, but apostates are only a pain in the ass now, not anything dangerous. If we were dangerous, they could use that to whip up more hate and motivate dubs to action. As it is now, there is more motive for dubs to visit McDonald's on a Saturday morning than go door to door. If they get desperate enough, they will make us all out to be the reincarnation of evil. I can hardly wait.


  • rwagoner

    They can monitor my posts on the the bumperstickers on my car....count my xmas lights or better yet, they can look me in the eye and I'll tell them exactly what I think.

    I DA'd...didn't wait for the goon squad...they know where I stand pretty clearly. *LOL*

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