This story is ridiculous.
Baptized at 5.
by Lainey 78 Replies latest jw friends
I remember reading an experience in one of the WTS' rags about a girl who was baptized when she was 6 years old... this was in the 1940's. It struck me, because until then, I didn't know of anyone who had gotten baptized younger than I had.
I found the article I was referring to. w92 3/1 27:
In the summer of 1946, I was baptized at the international convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Although I was only six years of age, I was determined to fulfill my dedication to Jehovah. That summer I served as a pioneer for the first time. I remember one morning placing 40 magazines with people seated at The Plaza in San Diego, California. My being tiny and talkative had a lot to do with it, I?m sure.
I just wanted to add that if the experience is true, I'm sure that the studies are either with relatives or other adults who are humoring her, and are conducted with the "assistance" of an adult.
As to whether a kid can pioneer... aside from the article in w92... I can say from personal experience that I auxiliary pioneered at the age of 8, a few months after my baptism, and without significant help from my parents. (We lived in a European city where children routinely went places without adult supervision, so I could walk to the KH or the service group by myself.)
In this case, if the girl's parents are pioneers, and she is home-schooled, she could easily make pioneer hours by going out in service with her parents.
I don't know if this experience is true or not... but I've just seen--and experienced--too much WT craziness to dismiss it out of hand.
The earliest ages for RP, as found in the 2001 WT CD:
*** w95 2/15 p. 24 Dominican Republic?Still Open to Discovery ***
Indeed, young people, both those brought up in the truth and others, seem to take their worship of God seriously. For example, Tamar and her sister Keila were both baptized at the age of 10 and entered the full-time pioneer ministry by 11.
*** w94 8/15 p. 24 Ethiopia?s "Divine Teaching" Convention?A Time of Special Joy ***
One of such was Yohanes Gorems, who at age 16 and still a student in school has already served for four years as a regular pioneer publisher.
Of course, things were different several years ago.
But from the beginnings of this thread, there was no indication of the baptismal date (supposedly), of this individual at 5 years of age.
I've heard of young persons; people way older than myself who were baptized at an early age, but 5?
Thanks for the follow-up post Onacruse.
Earliest age for baptism, same source:
*** w96 10/15 p. 32 "Jehovah Answered My Prayers!" ***
Consider, for example, a boy named Joel. He symbolized his dedication to Jehovah and was baptized at nine years of age.
edit to add: Obviously, some have been baptized younger...but 5? In 50 years I've never heard of such a thing.
I've seen them baptized taht young, or nearly so. I'll ask my mom who it was tomorrow, so I can verify.
I still haven't worked out if it was genuine or not, however I would imagine most zealous JW's love these type of stories.
Lainey:How long have you been out?
They are STILL sending you these emails???