Are Witness Children Brighter than most?

by ApagaLaLuz 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    The recent thread about the 5yr old baptized got me to thinking....... I learned to read at an early age. I was also in all the gifted classes in school. I remember a great deal of the witness kids were in gifted classes. I used to babysit a witness girl who was home schooled, and at 7 was taking Junior high level english.

    If you were raised a Witness do you think it aided you in your education. The constant close association with adults, the studying and reading, and use of correct english. Do you think that may have been an asset later in life?

  • jwbot

    It seemed that they learn to read faster, and have better vocabulary...but they are quickly overtaken later in years. Their vocabulary and reading skills are still limited to the 8th grade reading level offered by the watchtower magazines and books-and adults. From what I have seen, because of this, and sometimes, homeschooling, older children fall behind educationally and socially. I am still playing catch up in college...and not too many good JW kids even go to college, forget anything past 2 years higher education.

    -Jess (of the I'M GETTING MY PhD YAYAY! class)

  • logansrun

    jwbot was right on. Younger JW kids are more advanced in school, generally. Being forced to study, sit through meetings and read names like Maher-shalel-hash-baz will do that.

    But there is a DEFINITE leveling off after middle school and most certainly after HS.


    PS -- Interestingly, I heard the same thing about other "fundy" kids on a different forum (non-JW, mind you). The same thing already stated could be said for 7th Day Adventist kids, Mormons etc.

  • Odrade

    I'd have to agree with Jess. Being raised JW does give you a headstart on academic skills. I don't know that JW children are necessarily brighter, but it could seem that way when they have been taught to read so early, and converse easily with adults. But I think it all levels out by the end of elementary school, if education and schooling is not emphasized.

    I suspect any cross--section of toddlers and young children will seem above average if they are taught in the same manner, with so much focus on reading, listening and speaking. I do have to say that being raised JW, no matter all the warped views and teachings, has taught me skills many of my classmates do not have. I can sit for several hours and listen to a less than inspiring speaker (professor or teacher) and pull out the interesting points easily. I learned to focus on lectures, and my listening skills are possibly better than average. (Although probably most of my friends would say I talk so much, when do I listen??? haha)

    I also have found that, although I'm just now learning how to "research"--being taught to only use the WT index (bleh, what a joke), I do know how to "study." Most of my texts now look like my WT used to, with definitions and explanations written in the margins, and main points highlighted. So, while other students are easily just as intelligent, if not more so, I LOOK more competent in the academic arena. After all, in the DUMBs it was all about the appearances right? Funny how some of that stuff turned out to be useful after all.


  • oldcrowwoman

    I don't have a clue??

  • jwbot

    I would also like to add that the JW children that are smart have their abilities inhibited. They should be encouraged with music lessons, or other things like that.... *sigh*

  • MrMoe

    early on, yes, I agree they are taught t oread etc...

    but as you get older, you are then held back, college is usually out, so college prep courses and burdensome homework are usually traded for basic classes that allow more time for the 2 nights a week worht of meetings etc. Also evolution is rejected which can greatly stunt a lurning curve.

  • luna

    Odrade, you're a nerd...that's why you study so well. :)

    But, yeah...i think witness kids on the whole seem to be smarter. I know i read at a really early age, and my neice started to read at 3...and was reading my high school books by the time she was 6.

    It is being forced to sit still in meetings. Most kids don't have that attention span....trying to learn new information when you're running around doesn't really work.

  • Odrade

    I prefer the term "geek" thank you very much.


  • tinkerbell82
    But there is a DEFINITE leveling off after middle school and most certainly after HS.

    I have to disagree. or perhaps agree but with one qualification - i think that socially JW kids are obviously miles behind their non-JW counterparts. i dont think their intellectual acuity levels off after middle school and high school - i know this was definitely not the case for me. but i think after high school witness kids are forced to deal with a completely different social structure particularly if they attend college living on their own (as was my experience). i had a lot of growing up to do socially speaking and that definitely had a negative impact on my grades, class attendance, etc, but i do not think i am any less intelligent for it.

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