Are Witness Children Brighter than most?

by ApagaLaLuz 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse


    Odrade, you're a nerd

    Oh yeah? I claim superior nerd status! For years I'd sit at the meetings and scribble microscopic notes in my Interlinear, with a Greek lexicon and concordance on my lap...maybe that's why I'm so incredibly sane now


  • Special K
    Special K

    I don't know if there brighter per se...

    Forced to study all the time.. develops children who do better in an academical sense maybe..

    But I found alot of J.W. children .. not very good at sports or interaction with other children.. since they were never allowed to participate in such..

    And because of being thought of as nerds in school because of their separtism from the normal kids.. I found them more shy and introverted.... but with usually good marks up until high school.. then alot of J.W.'s I knew started living double lives...

    J.W.s at home.. but not at school. even bringing different clothes to wear at school rather than the long skirts and dresses they used to wear.

    That was my take on it..


    Special K

  • logansrun


    You're wrong.

    But, you're cute.


  • tinkerbell82


    nice delivery.

    was that meant to be incredibly offensive?


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    1) I knew some real idiots in my age group at the Hall.

    2) They may get more exposure to reading, and thus be ahead at reading at an early age. But they sure don't learn to think any better, and I would resist cataloging "bright" and "reading" together automatically. How about math? Any Witness math whizzes?

    Reminds me of the South Park episode with the home-schooled kids.

  • logansrun


    No! I think you are mistaken, though. You related an experience you had. Dare I say you were not your typical braindead dub?

    Any Dub child that pursues a liberal arts education -- or one in the biological sciences -- is sure to be in something way over their head. This is not because they are "dumb" but simply are conditioned to not think a certain way, a way that college will require you to think.

    That's all I meant. No offense.


    PS -- You're still cute, though. ;)

  • tinkerbell82

    notice i never said that i agreed that dub kids are brighter. i was relating my own experience and my contention was simply that their intelligence does not necessarily "level off" after high school.

    ps, i was always a pretty decent math student as well, PS.

  • logansrun

    Are we arguing Tink?


  • tinkerbell82

    I don't believe this consitutes an argument bradley. i was merely clarifying my statement. maybe we'd be arguing if i weren't so cute?

  • tinkerbell82

    god, sorry i'm really grumpy and it's been a bad week. sorry brad, you know i love ya.

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