Can Trump Be Forced To Take A Psychological Exam To Prove His Mental Fitness (Narcissistic Pernsonality Disorder) A Mater Of National Secrui

by Brokeback Watchtower 41 Replies latest social current

  • slimboyfat

    It is not fear mongering, it is a realistic and serious concern.

    Even a thoughtful and intelligent president such a Kennedy brought us to the brink. Averting disaster in the nuclear age is a demanding task, even for a good president.

    And yet you say we should not be concerned about a man who:

    1. Has uncontrollable rage.

    2. Has no empathy.

    3. Has an all consuming ego.

    4. Has said: "if we have them why can't we use them?"

    There are very good reasons to be very concerned.

  • Finkelstein

    No he cant be forced to but it would be nice,

    Megalomaniacs and narcissists don't necessarily mean mentally unstable, they can be a formidable problem though if they become militant dictators over a country.

    Like this guy

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    While I agree with slimboyfat's statements what I'm afraid of isn't that Trump will start a nuclear war but that he would not respond to a Russian nuclear first strike. Like all bullies, he is a coward at heart who has never had to confront someone equal to or superior to him.

    If the opportunity presents itself to Putin then he will take advantage of it. He has sized Trump up pretty well.

  • slimboyfat

    Yes that is also a concern. Trump's instability and inconsistency may prompt some other world leader to conclude nuclear weapons are their best option. It could be Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran... who knows.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    Trump's instability and inconsistency may prompt some other world leader to conclude nuclear weapons are their best option. It could be Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran... who know

    It's not likely to be anyone but Russia because it's only them who have sufficient nuclear weapons to take us on.

    Image result for countries with nuclear weapons

  • Finkelstein

    Now just look at these two guys, does that look like a couple of guys that would hurl nuclear bombs onto one another ?

  • slimboyfat

    If China can only destroy the planet once with its weapons is that less concerning than the US and Russia who can destroy the planet many times over?

    Plus I'd be astonished if the Chinese don't have more capability than they admit or the US is even aware of.

    Plus if a smaller power is convinced, because of Trump's erratic behaviour, that the US will attack, they may strike first, even against overwhelming power, because they perceive it as their only choice.

  • Finkelstein

    Geez haven't you guys had enough of fear mongering sensationalism ?

    Remember that cult you used to belong to !

  • slimboyfat

    Jehovah's imaginary angels going to destroy more than 99% of humans - fear mongering.

    Real nuclear weapons of the superpower in the hands of an unstable narcissist - not fear mongering.

    There is no real comparison here.

    Anyone not concerned about the future of the planet under Trump has not given it enough thought.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    China has about 250 nuclear weapons. That is not enough to destroy the planet or even provide a credible first strike against thousands of targets. Also, they may keep quiet about them but the U.S. is capable of figuring it out.

    I also don't think that a smaller power - like who? - would strike first with just a handful of nukes. No small power is likely to have intercontinental range for its nuke. North Korea is claiming to which is enough reason to fry their asses off.

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