I find it incredible that such a shallow, deeply flawed person person was able to get elected. I loathe this man on a deep, visceral level, he is everything I despise. He lacks critical thinking skills and makes decisions based on emotions. He lies constantly and takes responsibility for nothing. The thought of such a thin skinned, self absorbed, dishonest and stupid narcissist having the nuclear codes scares me to death. It's like a horrible nightmare that just doesn't end.
I finally had to just disengage and not think about it much anymore. I am watching less news reports these days. I was a news junkie but everything I read just made me more depressed. Hopefully more rational people will keep him from doing too much harm, but in any case there is nothing much I can do about it, so there is little point in worrying about it.
What little I can do to stop this man I will do. My husband and I decided to start contributing a monthly amount to organizations that will hopefully be able to mitigate some of the damage we see coming. When and if Trump and Congress start implementing their ideas I will attend protests, depending on the issue.
Because Trump doesnt believe in climate change we are donating to the Sierra Club. The science for Global climate change is solid. The oceans are going to rise, but by how much will be determined by what we do now.
Because Trump is anti abortion and will do away with ACA, we will donnate to Planned Parenthood. It's just incredible to me that right wingers think a fertilized egg, with no consciousness, is so precious it must be saved at all costs, but are willing to let living, breathing people die due to lack of health care. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Because Trump hates the media and loves to spread lies and disinformation we are donating to Public Radio, and we also subscribe to the Washington Post. A free press is more important than ever. The Post has done many good articles on Trump, especially the one they did on Trumps charitable giving, or rather his lack of charitable giving, despite his bragging otherwise.
We are still considering several other organizations, but it's a start. Once taxes start getting cut we plan to increase our monthly allotment for charity .