regarding the excitement of JW`s commenting on Donald Trumps reference to "peace & security" can`t they remember or the ones getting excited about it don`t know that in 1986 ,yes that`s right 1986 .
"The United Nations declared 1986 as the Year Of International Peace And Security"
Now what does the" Bible say about proclaiming Peace And Security ?"
1 Thessalonians 5:vs 3 ,Whenever it is that they are saying "Peace And Security" then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them ...etc. etc.
That was 33 years ago ,and no destruction has occured yet ,and remeber it was supposed to be sudden and instantly ?
The reason or one of them anyway that the United nations was formed as stated in their charter was to bring "Peace and Security" to the world and that took place back in 1945 .
And that was 74 years ago.
And we are all still here.