Apostates exposed...

by TheApostateAK 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • alpha


    middle? I want front row centre

    Thanks for the welcome. Yes I'm an exJW for a few years now. Found this forum and love the chat room. There's a lot of ex witnesses on this site. I didn't realise there were so many. It does look like the KH's will be closing down soon


  • BugEye

    Transcript addendum for May 27, 2001 8:43:52 PM

    Alpha appears to have access to inside of true worship place. Must get more information due to potential internal apostate.

    The seriousness of this Alpha character must not be underestimated.

    end transcript

  • randyaussie


    what sort of shit is that? were you bored and just thought you'd make trouble or just being an idot?
    please don't waste our time with bullshit.your wasting space on the post so bug off.

    ranyaussie. "THIS WAS A WASTE OF MY TIME!"

  • Prisca


    how on earth did you intercept the commands from HQ? The Boss will be really mad!

    NB. Note to HQ : The white dove flew over the water-soaked land while the sun shone above. (end of message)

  • ladonna

    Your posting on this subject is exactly the kind that we don't need.

    If ex JW's are accused of posting false material to prove their point and are then found to have done so, how many people inside the WTBTS can we help?

    None!!! Because we will all be tarred with the same brush.

    Come on....don't give us all a bad name


  • SatanSpawn
    BigBoi: Satan Spawn

    Nawp, nawp. Ain't but one a dem, sho nuff.


  • BugEye

    New transcript

    Ladonna : She seems just your average apostate, but this one is smart
    Prisca : Below par, no need to worry about this one.

    Internal monitoring section is seriously in trouble, I suggest increasing communications security and making sure the pidgeons are well fed before release. (proud that we are using modern communications not like this Apostate crowd)

    Also, note to funding unit : Can I have $10.00 for lunch??

    End Transcript

  • mommy

    ROFLOL! Thanks

  • BugEye

    Urgent communique to WTS SS

    Agent Mommy has cracked up. Needs immediate extraction.
    Repeat Agent Mommy has cracked up. Needs immediate extraction.

    Agent BugEyes found Agent Mommy rolling on the floor laughing out loud. She was discovered with her copy of the Nov 95 Watchtower. Obviously she was attempting to correct her mental state by inputting the clarification of the "Generation" issue. Unfortunately, she was just too late.

    It is indeed disturbing to see such a long standing and worthy agent as Mommy failing the grade.

    Repeat Agent Mommy has cracked up. Needs immediate extraction.

    End communique

  • VeniceIT

    All points Bulletin for Agent Mommy STOP Look for Blonde lady drinking wine and Singing obnoxiously STOP She is dangerous and armed with the WTS CDRom STOP Report any unusual behavior STOP

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