Good points Rm215 and Alan and HS.
Hypocrisy of the First Order by JWs
by AlanF 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My question is ,"WHY do JW's get on these boards when they KNOW it's against the rules?"
We have to take a breath on this one.
In the past prior to the internet, there was no easy forum to discuss issues within the organization that truly troubled a person.
If you questioned anything, you would be labeled "weak" (or worse) and many would eventually blame themselves for having doubts.
Now, even many of us still in the borg realize that questions we have about the borg are valid and individually, we are not just isolated exceptions. We come here and realize that WE are not nuts.
I can tell you, there are THOUSANDS viewing these boards. Let's face it, one of the first things a JW does in a search engine it to start looking at what is on the web about the Witnesses. Don't let anyone believe otherwise.
***** Rub a Dub
Frannie Banannie
I agree,'s remarkable that JWs hold within their grasp and espouse the contents of a book which shows that Jesus spoke up, face-to-face, against the corrupt religious leaders of his day, calling them "hypocrites....white-washed graves" and was killed for his efforts.....and JWs figuratively do the same thing, via df-ing anyone who speaks up or out against their doctrines/teachings.
Frannie B
"The ex-JW tolerates the fact that their family and friends thinks different than they do, but it doesn't work the other way around."
"JW's are taught NOT to debate. "
Right-toe!!!! JW's are taught to OVERCOME OBJECTIONS!!! Part of that method is to "mow them down with scriptures" and bury them with sales rhetoric. When I quit going to meetings, I ceased to be my father's son and became an "objection to be overcome".
"Nothing will stop them achieving this end, as they are doing God's work, Gods Will, under the power of God's Spirit."
This says it all, and answers Mimimus's question. They are on "a mission from God". Some will violate the rules to further the "holy quest". Just gotta "save those souls".
The real God should preserve us from the zealous.
there are THOUSANDS viewing these boards. Let's face it, one of the first things a JW does in a search engine it to start looking at what is on the web about the Witnesses. Don't let anyone believe otherwise.
And providing the quick 'n' easy linkage to these lookielou's, through various 'ways' some of us exjws provide on our profiles:[ ]is an added help to many.
Some are hesitant at first yet we are well aware they are being seen and are actually visiting the sites and it's portals. We try to stress the importance of viewing the actual Watchtower site itself and "get familiar" with The Machine.
Incidently, thank you all for your great sites that we are able to provide to many lurkers and 'such'. It is very much appreciated.
I was on a JW mailing list and only a month after I stopped going to meetings my posting was severely limited. All messages I sent to the list had to be screened by one of the mods before it would be allowed through. My father-in-law told on me, I guess. At this time I was simply not going to meetings... no one knew why. But it was enough to have me put on restriction. Talk about information control...
Of course now I'm not on the the list at all. I suspended my account voluntarily a month after I was put on restriction.
Yet they go from door to door, throwing down the gauntlet, urging the public to summon up the courage to reappraise their beliefs, in effect telling them that their religion is false and challenging them to prove otherwise; yet refuse to submit to an open and honest debate in public forum.... and see no inconsistency any of this.
This has all to do with being 'meek and teachable' or not. If you accept what the WTS preaches as this particular decade's 'Good News' , you are 'meek and teachable', if you do not you are argumentative and contentious. Let's face it, God only wants 'meek' people to worship him. Subsequently discuss such issues with a JW at your own peril ( if you can keep them in the building for any length of time without the use duct tape ) - it may mean eternal destruction if you do so.
Best regards - HS
Dr Watson
What JW board was that?? -
Hello All: I haven't posted in quite some time, but do stop by and lurk from time to time. Maybe some here still remember me. Anyway, I thought I'd relate a recent episode with my wife. A little background info. I'm a non-JW married to an active and zealous JW. Recently, my wife switched doctors and went in for a physical. She related to me the following: The doctor began by telling her of his approach to treating patients. He tried to view his patients in a holistic manner -- as physical, psychological and spiritual beings -- and tried to treat them with these things in mind. He wanted her to not only let him know of her physical ailments, but to also relate how things were psychological/emotionally as well as spiritually. She didn't tell me exactly how much or what she related to the doctor, but he ordered some lab work -- blood, urine, etc. -- before proceeding with the physical. During the consultation, he made some suggestions regarding diet and exercise, and gave her the name of a book he thought would be helpful -- a book written by a Catholic priest of all things! She was absolutely incensed that he had made such a suggestion, although I don't think she related this to the doctor. However, she sure let me know. Now, I don't know exactly who the author was, nor exactly what the book talked about. It may have had nothing to do with Catholicism for all I know. I don't think my wife knows either. She threw the name of the book and the author away before arriving home. The author being Catholic was enough to dismiss it without a thought. She already had a religion, thank you very much She didn't need any advice or help from anyone else. She then went on denigrating Catholic priests and nuns. Priests are homosexuals and child molesters. Nuns are lesbians. She even heard of a nun who had an IUD! -- this despite their vows of celibacy. I then asked her why she was so upset with someone suggesting some spiritual reading material. Wasn?t that what she spent so much time preparing for and doing? Wasn?t that one of the primary activities of her religion? She replied that she hardly ever had a chance to speak to anyone (a nice dodge that avoids the question). Most people just say they?re not interested. I replied that she could of just done the same -- say thank you, but I?m not interested. I didn?t think she should be so upset (rather hypocritical, although I didn?t say so). She didn?t see my point and was upset I didn?t see things from her perspective. Toodles, CPiolo
JW's are taught NOT to debate
In addition to that they are also thaught not to reason. The most stunning example of this is the reasoning book. Unlike what the title might imply, it doesn't teach them to reason at all but provides volley of scriptures to be hurled at the householder when a common objection is mentioned. Check for example what is says on "the bible contains inconsistencies and errors" the book recommends the following reply: "nobody ever showed me any". In effect challenging the householder to produce some. Most householders can't because they are ill prepared. The JW leaves with the impression he'd won the argument.