Should I be mad?

by kairos 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • kairos

    Considering that she is the wife of the very eldurr that got the whole "he's an apostate" ball rolling.

    They have known me for 20 years. We have been on family trips, camping, etc for all this time. They know I'm not a "bad" guy.

    I think the only hope they have is that I will "humble myself" before it is too late.

    I get little snips of "so and so" said they love you or said "hello" and in this case, sent soup especially for me.

    Shun or don't, but don't lead me along thinking that you might snap out of it. That's probably not the right attitude.

  • possum
    Proverbs 15:17 ' Better a dish of vegetables where there is love than a manger fed bull where there is hatred." Sharing food is supposed to be an act of unconditional love would be completely different if she had of eaten it with you as a normal part of a healthy relationship. It takes enourmous courage/resilence to live life as a disfellowshipped person we are not the ones that need conditional charity........
  • Simon

    I dunno - someone sending a gift, especially something homemade which is more personal, could be them reaching out.

    Whatever someone does after a long period will never make up for things ... but everything has to start somewhere.

  • Diogenesister

    Ring her up to say thanks.Don't play their game.

    Tell her you are not ever going back so she needs to at least start treating you like a" tax collector or a man of the nations."

  • sparrowdown

    Nah, if they can't be bothered treating you like a human being then how does soup help?

    Prisoners get meals as well doesn't mean the guards love them or feel bad for keeping them prisoner.

    I understand completely why you're pissed.

    Shunned people need friends and family not patronized with the soup of silence.

  • Finkelstein

    I don't think so being that maybe that person feels a bit empathic.

    There are lot of JWs who think the DFing policy of the organization is bit over the top.

    Only you would know.

  • sparrowdown

    You gotta admit, no one sends mixed messages quite like dubs do.

    Excellent point possum.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Wasn't the edict not to so much as "break bread" with an unbeliever? I'm guessing that was meant to include slurping soup as well.

    Seems like they are trying to communicate with you in the form of gifts of food. It sends a mixed message. "You're to evil to talk to but we'll be nice and send you some soup and you should be grateful about it "

  • Sabin

    I think the only hope they have is that I will "Humble myself" before it' to late.

    So Kairos say thanks for the lovely soup but next time can they please make a Humble Pie.

  • poopie
    wrap the soup up in a nice bag then send a note atached and say i soup when you stop the unloveing. shunning

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