anyone had the shakes before?

by morty 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    Hi Guys,

    Well it has been 3.5 days since I had a smoke...I know your probably sick of hearing about it but, I really depend on your support here.


    There has to be people here that have quit.Did you have the shakes just from quiting smoking? I have had some real long days and nights.

    I have drank water, walked a million miles,chewed gum and even took up knitting to keep my hands busy but cant get over how much I am

    shaking. I just wondered how long it will last......I just wish this terriable feeling to go away..........I'm hangin in there,but very depressed..

    Im assuming, it is the withdraw from the nicotine,but wonder if I should see the doctor about it......thanks for your advice.....


  • ScoobySnax


    Sounds awful!, why don't you go and see your doctor and get some nicotine patches to give you some help?

    After all if you went to see him with a chest infection and he offered you some antibiotics to help you over it, you wouldn't refuse them and say no thanks I'll manage it on myself would you?

    Just a thought.

    Be Strong, but get some help


  • Mac

    (((((((((("M"))))))))))) Hang will love yourself for it. I have never been addicted to nicotine........only an occasional stogie or pipe so I can't advise. Remember how you felt about discovering your childs participation in this vice? Do it for him/her....I suspect you are.

    mac, of the proud of "M" class

  • bebu


    You have all my support. And admiration.

    Have you done a search for prescriptive medicines that aid in quitting smoking? Zyban is one. There are patches and so forth, as Scooby mentioned. Please don't suffer more in quitting than is absolutely necessary!

    Best wishes. I do hope the shakes stop soon. I hope your son takes note, too.


    edited to add:

  • morty


    I am on the patch....The nighmares are really bad......I wonder if it is possiable to have a bad package?.....I just dont want to go to the doctor

    being on the patch already........thats what he will tell me to do anyways.........I guess I should have explained that in my post..(sorry)...thanks for your advice......


    thanks for your support.....much needed right now.........I know it sounds stupid,but right now I need to hear that I am doing well.( even from complete strangers.).....


  • Odrade

    whoa! you ARE doing good! 3.5 days! whoohoo!

    sorry to hear it's really shaking you around.


  • Surreptitious

    From Dairy Queen? Yeah they're pretty good. Especially chocolate.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have never smoked but hubby quit when we met 4 1/2 years ago. (It was a choice between me or the smokes) He won!!

    He had a real hard time of it at first. He is hyper to begin with but the withdrawal put him over the top.

    Your body is going to react to not having it's fix.

    Sounds like you are doing all the right things but you might want to even give your pharmacist a call. Sometimes they can be a good source of info about how bad reactions can get.

  • smack

    it'll pass. I stopped and for 5 days it was unbearable. That was 13 years ago. Do I want a smoke? No, but for the first 8 years, every waking moment. But it was something controllable. Don't give up, it gets easier everyday. My trick was Minties, got addicted to the damn things, gotta watch you don't pull fillings out with them.


  • morty


    I wish these shakes were more enjoyable then dairy queen......glad to hear you like them.....


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