anyone had the shakes before?

by morty 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • smack

    you do it so well tho Corinne ;)

  • frenchbabyface

    Thank you Smack ... What you've said is a little relief in my smockey home ambiance !!! I'm just lucky that I still can read you ... This smilley not because of my colour ... but because I wonder how I still can see my screen ...

  • smack

    haha, you camera kept getting bright flashes, was you lighting up

  • frenchbabyface

    because of you Smack ... ... because of you !!! ;-)))

  • morty

    thanks for all your support guys................(((((((((((forum))))))))

    today is a little better..only had 2 coffees and 0 smokes this morning to settle the shakes down a bit.....( compared to my 2 packs of smokes a day and my 10 cups of coffee.).....I have made a doctors appointment for Monday. So hopefully he will give me some zyban. Just not sure what the combination will do to the system though...Anyone done that combo before?..Also since being on the patch,I have a awful taste in my mouth....As that happened to anyone?...I dunno, maybe it is my taste buds coming back...but if this is what food really tastes like, I should not have a problem putting wieght on,as you all know when you quit smoking you tend to pack on the pounds.....Lord knows I dont need that too......I have taken up eating sunflower seeds....The ones with the shell on.....I guess to keep my mouth and hands busy....Thanks for supporting me....I need it right now......oh yeah, and sryup.....sorry for being a smart a**,but I was not in the mood for a joke....thanks for trying to cheer me up.....


  • larc

    I smoke, and occasionally, I will not smoke for a few days. I don't get the shakes at all. In fact, I become very tranquil. It is a very unusual feeling.

  • outnfree

    Awww, ((((((mortons68)))))))!

    I am so proud of you! I haven't been reading the forum as much as usual lately, but I'm tickled that you actually did decide to quit to show your son by example that you believe that smoking is a bad thing. This will affect him positively, you can count on it, and will be wonderful for your health, too.

    It's been so long, I can't remember if I had the shakes, but I DO remember that once I got past the first week, it all became much easier. The Zyban/Wellbutrin will help with the smoking AND is an appetite suppressant as a side effect, so that's nice in the weight dept.

    I would be careful of the patch, as well as the gum, as I know someone who has been stuck on either/or because they never really broke the nicotine addiction. Be strong! It gets easier and easier every hour. Trust me.

  • avishai
    I am on the patch....The nighmares are really bad......I wonder if it is possiable to have a bad package?.....

    That's normal w/ the patch, fortunately, it just gave me really vivid dreams.

    So hopefully he will give me some zyban. Just not sure what the combination will do to the system though...Anyone done that combo before?.

    Yes, you can do both, zyban really helps, I just can't take it anymore due to seizures. Take the full regimen, though, & don't forget your med.

    ?..Also since being on the patch,I have a awful taste in my mouth

    Also totally normal.

    Good luck, dude!!! You can do it!

  • morty

    did not want to start a new post, is a week now.!!!!..the shakes are still there but not near as bad......i'm so proud of myself!!!!!!i started my zyban is quit pricey...but in the long run I hope to be safeing $$$...Thank you all for your support up to now....This fourm is sometimes more supportive then your own family..(((((fourm))))))...oh...thank-you know who you ya.....


  • TresHappy

    Good luck in quitting smoking.

    Wish I could quit these shakes.

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