One of the pressing issues in the California election is (as always) the presence of "illegal" immigrants who come into our country, work under the table, and send money home.
My position on this matter, since I am a Republican, might surprise you, but I favor NO immigration restrictions at all with Mexico! Why?
The mass immigration would solve many problems - there are many jobs, entry level and low-paying, that Americans won't take because they don't pay enough. Fruit picking, for instance. It has to be done, and is often done by immigrants because they work for cheap and work hard. Capitalism requires a source of cheap labor. Therefore, I say we make the process legal because it happens all the time anyway. No point making criminals out of people who aren't doing anything wrong.
Mexican goodwill would be engendered by such a gesture. There are many families split up on both sides of the border, with immigrants making dangerous treks to get from one side to the other. Take the inhuman pain and suffering out of the equation.
On the part of my racist counterparts, they will shriek that the Mexicans will bankrupt our Social Security system if they can enroll in legal, taxpaying jobs. I say, their labor is just like anybody else's, and if they can contribute to a SS system that sorely needs new labor, and new labor right now, then they should be welcomed.
What about the cultural issues? Language, primarily. I say that if people can't realize that the language we spoke even one hundred years ago is substantially different from what we speak today, and that the language in one hundred years will reflect a merging of Anglo and Mexican language patterns - then they are flying in the face of historical fact. Could you imagine if Elizabethan English was the "official" language of America? After all, isn't that what they spoke when the Puritans landed here?
Finally, on a more personal note, any nation that can invent tequila deserves a Most Favored Immigration Status.
Any further comments or perspectives on this issue would be welcomed. I am seriously thinking of a career in politics.