My thoughts on Mexican immigrants

by czarofmischief 25 Replies latest social current

  • Sentinel

    Hummmmm, many good and valid points here. In our area, next to DC, we have had an explosion of people from hispanic lands. The problem here is that, while I agree certain jobs need to be filled and they can do it, they still need to learn how to read and speak English. We have all these people here and most know very little English. Instead of teaching them to speak and read our language, we are being told we must learn to read and speak "their" language. That just doesn't sit right with me at all.

    Learning OUR culture, rules, regulations, laws, and language should be the number one priority in allowing anyone to work and live here in the US. I don't believe that is too much to ask. Things have now gotten so far out of hand, that trying to do that now, in "afterthought" would not work either. It has had a profound affect on local government offices, DMV, businesses, etc. In our area, "they" are actually becoming the prominent group with the loudest voice. Our cablevision now has six hispanic channels. Mind you, most VCR's can set language to hispanic anyway; but we are forced to have to pay for these channels that are broadcast in only hispanic--and we are offered no substitutes to replace them. They say this will only get worse. They are truly affecting and changing us. The politicians should have given this situation much more thought up front before opening the doors up so wide with no stipulations.

    Just my opinion.

  • Valis

    Many towns here in Texas are building pavillions for the mostly Mexican groups of day laborers and organizing things so they aren't running out into the streets jumping into pickup trucks, possibly getting run over. And you know dam well, that even in an economy that blows chunks like ours, the people who have have lost their jobs are still not the ones who are generally willing to get out there and frame houses, or lay brick, wash dishes, clean your house or do general grunt work. However, unemployment compensation seems to be no problem for them. There is some irony there I think. The lady who cleans my house is from Monterey, Mexico. She came here and started a cleaning business. She now has I think ten clients and only does work by "word of mouth". Not only a great person, but an entreprenuer. One of the things we have always held as an important part of a healthy economy and a part of our makeup.


    District Overbeer

  • Mr. Kim
  • Satanus
    Looks like congress is going to allow millions to be legalized.
  • buffalosrfree

    Vermin and I do mean Vermin from the south or whereeever *i.e. illegals/invaders* should be swept back to their respective countries, the garbage is here illegally and shouldn't be helped or aided in any way. They have been the downfall of good schooling in border states and probably elsewhere. Our borders should be sealed and only people with a legitimate reason to be here should be allowed in.

  • jayhawk1

    I do not agree with calling any Human, Vermin. However, Raytheon Aircraft sent my job to Mexico after NAFTA. So I have very mixed feelings on this subject.

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