Well I see you never change your arguments Scholar...you lying, decietful, idiot.
by Gamaliel 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You're exactly right, EvilForce. This moron has been well trained by the Society. It's sad that he so idolizes the brilliant but completely insane Freddie Franz.
Which brings up the interesting point that scholar pretendus has contended that Freddie was not a member of the New World Translation Committee, because the Society wants to keep the membership secret, and unless the Society tells, no one can know for sure who was on it. This is a stupid claim, of course, but he has argued the point to the point of absurdity. Now all of a sudden he's admitting that Freddie really was a member -- why else idolize him? I suspect that his new JW friend Shearman convinced him of this.
Another shmuck(Scholar) absolutly demolished..LOL!!...OUTLAW
I've come to the conclusion that Scholar has no sense of humor. None. Zero. Nada. Even YouKnow said something genuinely humorous from time to time.
Scholar, please, watch some Seinfeld or South Park or the Simpsons or something, you need to lighten up man!
My, how time flies! I hadn't realsied scholar had been debating for so long.
You must be a tenacious person.
BTW I'm glad you haven't responded in kind to some of the insults (including my not-too pleasant comments) over the years.
Let's keep it that way, everyone.Posting Guidelines
To ensure all users feel safe and keen to participate, please avoid:- Insulting, threatening or provoking language
Sorry Ozzie but when people aren't posting in good faith it drives me crazy. He completely ignores posts and pontificates on his own so I feel no regret nor offer any apologies for my words to him. I stand by my posts to him.
I realise you haven't been posting here more than a couple of months so you may not be aware, but we take Posting Guidelines very seriously on JWD.
No matter what the provocation or your perceived justification, your perception may not be that of those who provide you with this forum.
If scholar or anyone else fails to "see sense" then let it rest, an argument will be seen on its merits so what have you to be concerned about?
Take it easy, it'll be OK.
Cheers, Ozzie
Understood :)
Well I see you never change your arguments Scholar...you lying, decietful, idiot.
Those claiming to be doctors, who label others as a "lying, decietful [sic], idiot,"ought to learn to spell "deceitful," in order to avoid looking rather foolish.