by Gamaliel 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • setfreefinally

    Don't give up Scholar. Although it would be nice to see you own up to past mistakes you have made. I did notice that AlanF did not have a problem with saying he was in error when he found out that he was. He publicly acknowledged he had made an honest mistake and moved on. We ALL make mistakes and if we have honor and integrity we own up to our past mistakes/blunders/lack of knowledge about a certain matter, etc, that we have made and move on. I for one, am looking forward to an ongoing discussion. I very much appreciate everyones hard work in finding the truth in this mess.

    Thx to all involved.

  • scholar


    No, I have not made an error in stating that Jonsson has hot it wrong in saying that Brown did not relate or associate the seven times with the Gentile Times and that he is plainly mistaken in accusing the Society of misrepresenting Brown. The facts are clearly set out on page 208 of Vol. 2 in Brown's Eventide. When I wrote to Jonsson and Brown I gave three specific reasons that plainly demonstrated that a connection of these times is plainly evident to the reader. Neither Jonsson or Franz replied to those three specific issues and chose to skirt around them. Both Jonsson, Franz and Penton are guilty of shabby and deceitful scholarship unworthy of a Christian. I have supplied the necessary references to those specific publications and it is up to you readers to do the research and determine who is telling the truth. Alan F has an agenda which is aligned to that of a person who has rejected Christ and has become an unbeliever. How can anyone who professes Christianity choose to believe his utterances. The fact of the matter is that the content and context of page 208 in the Eventide proves that Brown connected both times and that is the end of the matter. Franz and Penton have unintentionally supported this fact until it was brought to their attention and they have revise their opinion. This is an abuse of careful and accurate scholarship and does shows that these men have a problem in that they have allowed themselves to be misled by others. Why did not Franz explain his new viewpoint in his later edition and how is it that Penton's claim is at variance with a footnote. At least, Jonsson has been consistent in his claim form his earliest treatise to his latest edition. Jonsson. Franz and Penton have a lot of explaining to do and I for one will not let this matter die.


  • ozziepost
    I for one will not let this matter die

    Is it alive??

    How ya going to make sure it won't die? I think we're overstating our own importance.

  • simwitness


    You stated:

    [QUOTE] When I wrote to Jonsson and Brown I gave three specific reasons that plainly demonstrated that a connection of these times is plainly evident to the reader.[/QUOTE]
    2 Requests:

    1. Please state those three specific reason's here.
    2. Please comment on how the earlier replies by AlanF, etc... ignore those reasons, or fail to address them.

    Drop the rhetoric and deal only with the "facts" at hand, as a true scholar would.

  • joenobody

    And please avoid statements like the following:

    Alan F has an agenda which is aligned to that of a person who has rejected Christ and has become an unbeliever. How can anyone who professes Christianity choose to believe his utterances.

    It could just as easily be said that:

    Scholar has an agenda which is aligned to that of a person who blindly accepts the Watchtower Society as authority instead of Jesus. How can anyone who professes Christianity choose to believe his utterances.

    Attacking the messenger instead of the message only implies that you haven't got good arguments and factually correct information to supply a retort.

    I have tired of this thread regardless. To me, the response from Writing Committee from the call to the Society is sufficient to prove their mistake in thinking it means "equate" versus "connected".

  • scholar



    You need to read my previous posts on this subject and you will see what facts that I have supplied to support the above contention. I do not see how any credibility can be attached to some unknown telephone conversation between unknown people at Bethel, this is a meaningless argument which supports only those reaching out in desparation. The Proclaimer's book is unambiguous that 'connect' is the word used and not 'equate' and I do not believe for a moment that there is any confusion on this matter except in the biased minds of our critics.


  • AlanF

    Scholar-liar again intoned:

    : I do not see how any credibility can be attached to some unknown telephone conversation between unknown people at Bethel, this is a meaningless argument which supports only those reaching out in desparation.

    Call the Writing Department yourself, if you don't believe me. But you won't, because you know that you'll get the same answer my friend did, and then you won't have a leg to stand on even in your own little mind.

    : The Proclaimer's book is unambiguous that 'connect' is the word used and not 'equate' and I do not believe for a moment that there is any confusion on this matter except in the biased minds of our critics.

    Despite repeated requests from me, Gamaliel and others, you fail to define just what you think the book means by "connect".

    I already showed exactly how Brown loosely "connected" the "seven times" and the "Gentile Times" -- the latter ended in 1844, then there was a 75 lunar year "prophetic period" ending in 1917, and the "seven times" also would end in 1917. I quoted many specific statements from Brown to prove it.

    The fact that you refuse to define your terms simply proves that you know you're wrong and are not interested in the truth, but only in giving the impression that you're right. I.e., a typical JW mentality.


  • scholar

    Alan F


    You give me the name of the person that you or your agent spoke to in the Writing Department and I will phone that person. If you are having trouble with the word 'connect' then I suggest that you consult a good dictionary. I have already explained the connection to you, Jonsson and Franz on the basis of three reasons as demonstrated in page 208 of Brown's Eventide, Volune 2.


  • AlanF

    Scholar-liar said:

    : You give me the name of the person that you or your agent spoke to in the Writing Department and I will phone that person.

    Like I said, you'll do whatever you can to avoid making that call.

    When one calls the Watchtower Society without asking to speak to a specific person, the person you end up speaking to will never give their name to you. It's against company policy. Knowing this, my friend didn't even ask.

    : If you are having trouble with the word 'connect' then I suggest that you consult a good dictionary.

    That's the whole point: there are many definitions, and you haven't picked one.

    : I have already explained the connection to you, Jonsson and Franz on the basis of three reasons as demonstrated in page 208 of Brown's Eventide, Volune 2.

    No you haven't. Your "three reasons" are meaningless garbage. Several posters have pointed this out to you. But because you're only interested in giving the appearance of being "right", without worrying about whether you're actually right, you refuse to see what all others see.


  • kls

    AlanF,i would love to get you in a room with my jw husband and set him straight.As usually you stummped a cult member.

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