Wage discrepancies between the lower class with the upper class.

by William Penwell 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • czarofmischief

    I have to weigh in on this,

    My personal philosophy is based on a "live for today" and "live humbly" method.

    Is it "fair" that the executive makes 450 times as much as the factory worker? I guess not. The workers in THAT PARTICULAR PLANT should unionize. They have to take responsibility for their actions, or their inactions, that signify acceptance of the status quo.

    If anyone thinks that the union system was easily created, born overnight out of some massive guilt complex on the part of managment, you can forget about it. It was violent, bloody, hard, and tough. It required sacrifice and planning, and forethought. Just down the river there is a place where Henry Clay Frick sent his Pinkerton men to shoot the striking Homestead mill workers.

    Life ain't easy. Sorry. Nobody is going to hand you anything, and they will try to get you to feel guilty for demanding it. So deal with it. If conditions in your plant make you so mad, then unionize! Deal with it! Attack the problem! There is a whole groundwork for unionizing that has been laid out for you already!

    If, on the other hand, you just want to slide by and don't really care (like me) then don't do anything. I'm not. I work a minimum wage job by choice, so I can spend time on what is really important to me.

    Besides, being rich ain't everything. I know a doctor who never sees her kids.


  • jwbot

    I am going to college specifically so I do not have to live like I do now-paycheck to paycheck. I want to be secure. In fact, I am going for another 4 years because even now, a bachelors is not enough. Of course...being a woman, I might make even still, less than a man with only a bachelors degree when I will have my doctorate *growl*. Which is why...I am hoping to get the business my S/O and I have off the ground...still I want something to fall back on.

  • talesin


    My personal philosophy is based on a "live for today" and "live humbly" method.

    I couldn't agree more. The activist phrase for it is "Conspicuous Consumerism" - it's a dis-ease of our society.


    Of course...being a woman, I might make even still, less than a man with only a bachelors degree when I will have my doctorate *growl*. Which is why...I am hoping to get the business my S/O and I have off the ground...still I want something to fall back on.

    right on sista! That is why I'm 'going back to school' AGAIN. (Yippee!) Also, having a business of one's own is the only way to go in this 21st century. Maybe it will end up as your 'main source' instead of a fall-back. Follow your passion!



  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    With companies now exporting jobs to third world countires it is pretty tough for workers to unionize. Businesses have this leverage over the workers heads, its either take what we pay you or we will just get someone else to do it cheaper.


  • lastcall
    Many of these CEO's that makes millions of dollars a year get their salary mostly through bonus's because the company has made a huge turnaround. Sometimes the company even still exists because of the CEO.

    Stacie, many more companies go belly up because of it's officers. And often times they get huge bonuses when the company has losses. The board of Directors is a joke --they all are a bunch of big wigs at other companies, and they all put each other on each other's companies board. Most of the time they meet once a month to vote on something (they always vote however the ceo or chairman tells them to). For this they get an extra 50 to 100 grand a year.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I have educated myself to get a better paying job but sometimes education is not everything. I know a number of people that have went to collage and university and after all the time and money couldn't get work and ended up in a low paying job anyway. Just because you have a university degree sometimes doesn't necessarily guarantee a job.


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