The weird way JWs view death and Armageddon

by logansrun 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • logansrun

    When Princess Diana tragically died a few years ago, my sister (an ultra-orthodox, ex-Bethelite Dub) said something that I simply find, well, pitiful.

    "In a way, I'm glad she's dead because now she has a hope."

    She dared not say that around any non-witness for obvious reasons. What she meant, of course, was that Diana would never have actually came into the "Truth" on her own -- that she inevitably would have been killed by Jehovah at Armageddon. But, since she has died before that "wonderful" event she will be resurrected as one of the "unrighteous." Of course, she'll be happy to worship Jehovah then (lol).

    In short, the JWs view "Jehovah's action at Armageddon" as someone else would view the blowing up of the sun or an asteroid's impact on the earth. They view it as an inevitable, almost natural catastrophe in which the only way out of it is two things:

    1) be a JW

    2) be lucky (die before then!)

    Very little thought, I feel, is given to the fact that this is supposed to be a sane, loving and forgiveing God doing the destroying. No, one will often get the sense that Armageddon is an almost impersonal event -- one which unavoidably seperates the eternally damned from the JWs and the "lucky ones" (the already dead!).

    What funky mental pretzel making goes on in the mind of dubs!


  • JH

    That's right Bradley. On one side, they say they have love for one another, and on the other hand they praise the destruction that will happen at Armageddon. I remember once a brother that wasn't in good standing passed away, and an elder said, he will resurrect in the new world. If that brother would still be alive today, they probably wouldn't expect him to survive armageddon.

    By making everyone look doomed, they try to impose fear so that brother and sisters give their 100%

  • logansrun

    See, here's the paradox:

    Most JWs both want and don't want Armageddon to come -- at least not in the very near future. My experience, even with dealings with very orthodox "strong" dubs, is that they have both a fear and longing for Armageddon.

    The same holds true for the fate of non-JWs. They both love them and want them to live, yet hate them and want them to die.

    The double-think required of such individuals is mind boggling.


  • gumby
    But, since she has died before that "wonderful" event she will be resurrected as one of the "unrighteous."

    I remember when I was young that I hoped my dad would die before armaggedon so we could see him again.

    I Jehovah God isn't smart enough to read their hearts at a persons death so he can sentence them right there and he must raise them again so he can decide if they will live or die by their actions. Not real bright is he? I thought he could read hearts? Didn't he" know" Esau and Jacob......before they were born?


  • logansrun

    The philosophical problems within this topic are legion.


  • tinkerbell82
    at least not in the very near future

    so true! as a kid i can remember nodding my head when people talked about how they couldn't wait for armageddon to come and the subsequent arrival of the paradise, but inside i was always thinking, "but i hope it doesn't come today!! i'm not ready!! i'm not good enough!!". i didn't even have time to worry about anyone else, i was too busy being afraid that my own sorry sinning ass wasn't going to make it through the big A.

    Funny, now i'm back at home with the JW family for a bit, and i've noticed a couple of very interesting things. first of all, they're not as strong in the truth as they once were. in fact the only one who faithfully attends every meeting is my sister and none of them go out in service on a regular basis. so much has changed in the three years i've been gone. second, NO ONE ever mentions armageddon. maybe they dont want to think about it since technically they are only active enough to be hanging on by a thread. hmmmmmmmm.

  • logansrun

    Interesting Tink. I also have noticed my lifelong-JW mother "slowing down" in many ways. This is a good thing, mind you!


  • tinkerbell82

    Oh, it's a good thing for certain. Mind you, I can't bad-mouth the organization in the house (and bad-mouthing is equal to telling the truth, BTW ;) ) but they're definitely less militant about meeting attendance, service hours, etc....hell, my brother is 17 and i have never once heard mom urge him to get baptized. it's so weird! i don't think that any of them really doubt the veracity of The Truth, however...i think they've just gotten a bit lazy.

    i do think it interesting, though, that when i was a kid and EVERYTHING was jehovah jehovah jehovah all the time, Armageddon was a constant topic of conversation. there was an air of vigilance about us always. I guess that's because back then we thought we were saved, and now theyre afraid to contemplate the fact that according to the WTBTS they are probably not saved, so they sweep the big A issue under the carpet. perplexing when you consider that it's only, what, a year and a couple of months away, right? :-P

    sorry, i feel i have semi-hijacked this thread!

  • logansrun

    You can hijack it as much as you want sweet-cheeks. Muah!


  • tinkerbell82

    am i being granted hijacking immunity for my alleged cuteness?? boy don't MAKE me change my avatar again!!!

    ;) hehe, just kiddin' :-P besides my comments SORT of had to do with the topic. initially. in a way.

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