What do you plan to give trick-or-treaters?

by Swan 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • czarofmischief

    The Halloween Watchtowers, 1965-1995. A compilation of cutting edge theology.



  • tinkerbell82

    no comment, elsewhere :-P ;)

  • Swan

    LOL @ Joy!

    After nine years of passing out candy, I've learned that you don't buy the candy until the night before at the earliest, and even better if you buy it on Halloween day. It's less fattening that way!

    Also I have learned to watch out for "repeaters." Some of the older kids have figured out that they can come back and get more if you aren't paying attention.

    Oh what fun this holiday is! I just love it!


  • alamb

    We have a wonderful neighborhood. Aross the street in a parking lot, they have a trunk-or-treat. People back up their cars, pop open the trunks which are decorated wtih spooky stuff and the kids just trick or treat the parking lot. After that they come to the doors. My JW kids dressed up like scarecrows on the porch swing last year and scared the little goolies! That was interesting to watch and see them rationalize.

    I have a big black kettle of goodies by the door...somehow the chocolate disappears before Halloween though?

  • moonwillow

    We don't get trick or treaters here but we still buy candy and the darnest thing happens it disappears hhmm spooks?, goboins?, ghosts? perhaps you think? Wonder who eats all that chocolate?

  • Matty

    We haven't had any trick or treaters here. Oddly enough I rang my parents in England yesterday and they have had a couple so far this week. Trick or treating was unheard of in the UK when I was growing up in London, kids did "penny for the guy" outside tube stations instead. Unfortunately, in the UK many kids spoil this celebration by frightening old people and pelting peoples houses with eggs and flour and sometimes fireworks - outside the US the practice is very unpopular with the media as it's seen as demanding candy with menace. Properly supervised I can't see the harm at all, but as long as kids in Britain misbehave at this time, this distorted view will persist.

  • Mulan

    Our eldest son and family were at Disneyland for Halloween............briefly. He said it was so jam packed with people, everyone was in extremely long lines for "vouchers" for the trick or treat locations. Then you line up again at each location to get your voucher stamped, and then you get a teeny little toy thing. They left.

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