What is it exactly? How do you know if you are having one? What do you do about it?
"Nervous Breakdown"
by StinkyPantz 89 Replies latest watchtower medical
I don't have any answers for you, I'll let the experts handle that but I was wondering if you were okay.
"nervous breakdown"
an old-fashioned catch-all term that is used when folks get overwhelmed by life and crash and burn emotionally
having a hard time dealing with stuff as well as you usually do - maybe crying all the time, maybe angry all the time, perhaps mood swings, can't get outta bed - tired all the time; can't get any sleep; depressed
Sometimes a reaction to specific rotten events, sometimes a build-up of having too much bad stuff for too long and one just shuts down emotionally
All these can be symptoms
What do you do about it - get thee to a trusted physician and have a chat - you may need counsel, meds or both
(hope yer ok, SP)
Depression... Insomnia... Constant Crying... Memory loss...etc..etc.. Ive had a burn out...Im guessing it cant be that much differant...Im not sure though.
So my whole life has been one big Nervous Breakdown !
Now its all starting to make sense . I mean sens ....err......cents .
Nevermind world Slacker
<------- And btw ........its still there.......Intersesting.
Re your avitar:
A friend sent me that pic - it's hilarious - I hope it remains
Gives me a needed chuckle every time I see it
Re the topic:
Theme song:
Rolling Stones - 19th Nervous Breakdown
tal :)
lol@nws i noticed that :p
((bubba)) it will you will see ..x -
We can do this thing........right?