Badger - When I started slipping out, my shrink told me that she saw a chronic problem with JW's. She told me it was a cult... long story short, she made it clear that the religion was looked on very poorly by those in the mental health field. I can see why now. And at the tiime, I didn't know if I believed her or not... Sadly, I think depression and mood swings or otehr mental issues will be something many of us will suffer from for many years, perhaps even until we grow old and die.
"Nervous Breakdown"
by StinkyPantz 89 Replies latest watchtower medical
Moe: You would THINK this would raise a red flag in the old congo has had three (THREE!) suicides in the past year from current or former members, and at least two attempts (counting my ex). I'm not sure, but I don't think the Quakers or the Methodists have that high of a batting average. Nope, the witnesses blame it on the system...I felt better in class, driving, shopping, and getting my oil changed than I ever did at a meeting.
And, farbiet from me to correct such an accomplished wordsmith, but you didn't slip CLIMBED out.
oh hun... 3? I know of a few myself... oddly enough, quite a few, and yet, never heard fo any "worldly" kids committing suicide. I blame the JW's and a few other issues (JW related also) as to my own mother's suicide. Those other issues are directly JW related. I have zero respect for the religion itself.
Badger, you get depressed don't you? It seems that way... tell you what, if you are ever feeling low, send me a line, OK? I will always be here to listen
sweet dreams
Hi everyone. I do not come here too often anymore, because I think the constant rehash of the old traumas were a source of depression I began to feel. I do not place blame for this on anyone or on this forum.
I do lurk here from time to time and I come here tonight and find this. All this controversy by people ill equipped to deal with a situation such as this is disgusting.
A persons well being is up to them to take care of if they are able to do so. If not then their family or friends should direct them to the proper professionals that can deal with this properly.
Consulting with personal face to face friends who actually see ones conduct is a valid suggestion. Although I think it was delivered in a poor manner.
Stinky pants is not one of my favorite posters, nor is she one I do not like.
The only real honest way to deal with this is to help SP to seek the proper help from professionals. If a phone call is possible, talking with her husband and informing him of this would be a good move.
There are some good posts here with links to valid information on this issue. Focus on directing her to these.
STOP THE BICKERING and focus only on helping SP. This is not the time or the place to vent ones feelings for others.
If she is truly in distress she needs help. If this is a ploy on her part, what is to be lost by still directing her to professional help. If it turns out to be a ploy that can be dealt with later.
God I hate to see kind of mindless conduct.
"You can take
to water but you can't make him drink" It comes down to tough love. One can plant the seeds, some may spout, some may grow and some they lay dormant. Some will not do a thing. There is no way one can control anothers behavior . Its up to her if she wants to cultivate and nuture those seeds.
The only control one has is with yourself.
Old Crow
tough love never breastfed a newborn baby
Well, it's like when I was in band camp...............
Oh c'mon Simon, in your first post on this thread it was obvious you were referring to an old thread in which SP had asked a question, and in that thread you interpreted it to mean that she was referring to the board (as if everything we do has to revolve around this place) and made a big deal over it.
So you replied to her on this thread, based on your previous history with Stinky, without showing any empathy or compassion for a hurting young woman.
You don't have to go out of your way to put a negative interpretation on everything I write.
You can say that again.
How would you feel if I did the same to you?
You have done, on plenty of occasions. How about that time in chat when Valis made death threats towards me, and you ignored him, yet when I said something in reaction to what Valis had just said, you told me to "shut up"?I'm yet to receive an apology from you or Valis for the verbal abuse I encountered from both of you.
I think you have posted plenty more stuff that could be interpreted that way.
You can "think" whatever you like, but your imagination doesn't mean things in your head are true.I did not post anything critical or insulting - just factual and useful.
Oh, suuuuuure they were "factual" - just as factual as the information you hand out to your clients. But this isn't an IT department, and we are dealing with real people with real emotions. By the way you've treated SP over the past few months it's obvious you have no idea how to deal empathetically with people with emotional problems, especially women. Intelligent women at that.
You should try it one day. The batteries for your alternate reality must be running out now.
Can I borrow yours?
I still think it was better when it was Prisca and Farkle
Death threats? Whoa. Is this a safe place to be Prisca?