I want to improve my writing style....any suggestions?

by logansrun 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    Although I know I'm not the worst writer in the world I feel I could improve tremendously. Anyone know of a good, simple, "only the facts ma'am" book on how to improve one's grammer and style? Any suggestions from the peanut gallery on things you notice which are grammatically incorrect in my growing legion of posts? Too wordy? Anything?


  • stillajwexelder

    Regular reading of a top quality newspaper and journal is a good way - -say The New York Times and Time Magazine

  • talesin

    Write a lot - and edit it - helps a lot, imho


    good luck with the writing, be your own best critic!



  • Euphemism

    For me it was mainly college courses that helped me... so I'm not sure if any other suggestions I can offer are worthwhile.

    But have you heard of Cliff Stoll? He wrote a very powerful endorsement for a book called Write to the Point (I can't remember the name of the author). He says that he used to be able to write only dense academic prose; so when a publisher offered him a contract to write about his experiences catching a hacker, he turned to Write to the Point to improve his skills. The book he wrote, The Cuckoo's Egg, became a best-seller. (And quite deservedly so.)

    FWIW. Cliff Stoll is definitely a good writer, so I figure his endorsement is worth something.

  • ScoobySnax

    I think you always come across as articulate, and intelligent in your wording of posts. Why'd you want to be any different that what you are? Post as you are and feel, that shows the true you.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Hopefully Francois will see you post or PM him. He should give you some practical advice.

    Guest 77

  • Lutece


    This is a great resource. The Elements of Style......check it out. :)

  • AlanF

    Take several good college courses along the lines of "reading and writing the essay". Make sure you get a teacher with a reputation for being hard. There's nothing like an objective assessment of your writing by a hard critic to help you learn to write well.


  • DanTheMan

    I don't have any suggestinations, your posts always seem grammatarically correct to me.

    - George W. Bush

  • talesin


    take a look around, there are several dictionairies of style - although I think you express yourself very well.

    tal (give yourself a break, sweetie, PLEASE)

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