I want to improve my writing style....any suggestions?

by logansrun 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    The best advice I saw is write often, and edit often. I would add to edit a few days after writing. I think your writing addresses points well - I haven't seen you attempt to evoke experience.

    Oh, and read a lot and decide what works for you about the writers you like. Screw how to books.

  • JeffT

    Depends A LOT on what your are writing. If you are writing non-fiction the rules are very strict. For Firction if you can write something somebody wants to publish, you're OK. "Writer's Digest" magazine is good place to start. Check out your local library, there will be about a hundred books, all of which will contradict each other. Pick something that works and go with it. Keep in mind my advice would be worth a lot more if I'd sold one of the couple of dozen things I've written.

  • Euphemism
    I was curious about Euph's reccomendation, so I did a search for the title, "Write To The Point."

    There's BUNCHES of books with that same title! A bit more investigation, however, disclosed that Bill Stott is the author of the book you (might) want.

    That's the one, Natas. Thanks!

  • SYN

    One of the best things you can do is read, read, and then read some more! As you read more books by your favourite authors, your writing style will improve, too.

    Another useful trick that I use is to read whatever I write out loud for someone else. So often a sentence will look fine on paper but the moment you read it you realize it's clumsy and needs to be reworked so that the "flow" of your writing is constant.

    There's loads of books out there about writing, so I'll leave it up to you to find the best ones. Of course, as with all other things, practice makes perfect!

    A touch-typing course wouldn't hurt, either. It's so much better if you're able to get your thoughts down almost as fast as they emerge...it helps to let them crystallize faster, if you get my meaning.

    Best regards,

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