OOH! OOH! Mr. Kotter! Hand Up! Is it too late to put in my two cents?
I see, Blondie, that you picked up on the fragment of Matthew 5:10.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10 KJV
I commented to my honey that it is too bad that he cannot participate in this promise. Very sad, isn't it, that today's generation are expected to embrace persecution with no hope of reward? If I am ever persecuted, it better be for a worthy cause. I want to know what my sacrifice meant.
Stephen is one of my favorite martyrs. I see his door-to-door work is emphasized in the article, yet they fail to mention his principal work, which was serving widows and orphans. Food. He served food. Not literature. Would Stephen fill a needed role in today's Watchtower Society, or would he be shunted aside as "spiritually weak"?
I see the article also fails to mention that one of the principal persecutors ended up becoming one of the early church's greatest supporters. God intervened on behalf of the persecuted church. So suffering is over-emphasized in this article, without the tempering message of God's deliverance.
I also noticed the WTS corrupts the definition of a witness. para 3 ...that in Bible times meant "witness", a person who gives testimony, perhaps at a court hearing, to the truth of what he believes. The longer I have been a Christian, the more fully convinced I am that to be an effective witness, I must stick to what I have personally seen and heard. Such testimony cannot be effectively refuted. Here, the WTS changes the meaning to speaking about what one believes, not about what one knows. Here are some secular meanings of witness and testimony:
Testimony :
Testimony is the statement made by a witness in court, usually under oath, that is offered as evidence for the truth of what is has been stated. a written statement made by a witness is called an affidavit. (See Witness.)
Be a Good Witness
Stick to the facts. The only thing you will be permitted to testify to is what you personally know. Information given to you by someone else is almost never admissible in the case. What you KNOW is important; what you THINK is unimportant. If you do not know or cannot remember the answer to a question, don't be afraid to say so.Great research, Blondie, that there are many heroes of the faith today in many churches, and that the WTS is not exclusively persecuted. One of my favorite links, with personal testimonies is:
The Righteous among the Nations
During the long night of the Holocaust, among the few points of light were the actions of the Righteous Among the Nations. These men and women risked their lives to save the lives of Jews. Their actions show us that compassion, courage and morality were not totally extinguished in those dark years.