Let them set their dates. Let them ruin more lives. Let them do what makes them feel good. None of us has to be a part of that anymore. We can actually live and breathe fresh air. Who cares? Cathy
THEY'VE DONE IT!!!! The WBTS set a new date!
by dmouse 208 Replies latest watchtower bible
Nathan Natas
"I'll be all around in the dark. I'll be everywhere - wherever you can look. Wherever there's a fight so hungry people can eat, I'll be there. Wherever there's a cop beatin' up a guy, I'll be there. I'll be in the way guys yell when they're mad - I'll be in the way kids laugh when they're hungry an' they know supper's ready. An' when the people are eatin' the stuff they raise, and livin' in the houses they build - I'll be there, too." -- THE GRAPES OF WRATH
(C) Wrath Vinyards, Napa, Califonia
I am afraid that I am with Minimus and the doubters on this one. Incidentally, do you know if the dubs themselves are excited at a "New truth" in this article?
If it is a prediction, then it is so vague that I missed it. But I look forward to reading the article, and it is not often one can say that!
When i was at the one day assembley few weeks ago, in a talk the speaker said that the generation of 1914 will see the end.
I was suprised...they bring the generation back I said!!!
Still I DON'T beleive that they have set this new date-2035. It is just another trick to scare their followers.
Besides there is no reasoning in the WT theology...
You know, I don't believe that the WTBTS has really thought out the implications of how some would view their words. I see them as just trying to survive as an organization. I think the WTBTS is at a point in it's history where survival is the main catalyst for what they do and say. I see so many parallels between the WTBTS and the Catholic church in that once it gets to a certains size it starts to degenerate into this massive bureaucratic monster that's only concerened with it's own survival. The persons at the top, who's only livelyhood is the WTBTS, are merely concerned (at a subconscious level I think) with their jobs. Just think what would happen if they decided to divest themselves of the majority of their $2B in holdings worldwide. What would all those old guys in Brooklyn have with no real-world job skills? Do they have 403B retirement plans or savings to retire on? I think that, except for a few exceptions, many of them haven't really planned for a future where the WTBTS wouldn't be taking care of them. Also, if some at the top have any doubts I'm sure they'd surpress them because they don't want to loose their "jobs" with all the free benefits and power.
Also, check out this website by breakaway JW's in europe: http://the-true-jw.oltenia.ro/ and their resoultion here: http://the-true-jw.oltenia.ro/rez-en-92.html . It's funny seeing someone using the same words the WTBTS uses regarding other religions against the WTBTS.
johnny cip
nathan: i love chestnuts this time of year!!!!!!!!! even if they don't go the route of 1968, they are sure rewriting some of the old articles. i can smell them roasting now. but under a easy fire> thanks for making me want to hear some nat king cole early this year. john
Nathan Natas
Hi Johnny Cip,
One of the great memories of my childhood is visiting Central Park or the American Museum of Natural History during the fall or early winter and enjoying the roasted chesnits sold by the street vendors there. The sweet smell of the charcoal roaster and the cooking chestnuts wafting in the cold air... >sigh< it's true, you never can go home again, but memories are nice.
Well, I read (quickly) the comments made and I vote for ..... this is a new punt-date in the makings. The 1874 people came and went by 1925, the 1925 people came and went by 1975 and the 1975 people will be long gone by 2034. It's handy to be able to completely reinvent yourself (with little really changing) every 50 years. Remember in Ray Franz' book about the "serious" presentation by a couple of GB bods to change 1914 to 1957 (Sputnik becoming the diddlybob in the heavens "fulfillment") I want a "Do More by '34" T shirt, who's selling 'em? Glen who once was Deleted. All along the Watchtower ...... told a pack of lies ..... broken hearts and promises .... so much wasted time
"Do More by '34" T shirt, who's selling 'em?
I like it!
I suppose a shirt like that would raise some eyebrowes of some dubs if they saw one, and if that date was ever promoted by the society.
I think it's better than ...."Be a whore till 34".... like Minimus wanted the girls to do. He's a nasty man
Hi, lurker here. I guess you could say I'm still in the borg... mainly just to keep the close family, I'd hate to loose my parents who are hardcore. Anyhow... I still go to meetings and coventions... and I have to say that the Noah's day vs. ours has been at an all time high since 95-03 Check the watchtower library, convention programs and new sunday talk outlines for living breathing examples. At times, there is refrence to 120 years of noah right along in the same paragraph or thought as 1914. This new Dec 15th WT creeps me out, and it may not be 'new light' sugguestions, but I'd bet a good deal of my income on that it is. 1914, 1925, 1975 was like watchtower shooting it's self in the foot as well, but they managed to sail through... and with bigger numbers since those dates. *sigh* -SC