Out of the mist

by Greenpalmtreestillmine 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    I posted here just a little back in January of 2001. I scrambled out of here right quick then since I was still active and fearful of so many things.

    I am inactive but not exactly a non JW yet. Don't think I will ever be. I am a conservative person and still believe that some of the teachings of JWs are good though I do not agree with everything that's for sure! I love Bible study, my family, making good friends, and peace. I hope to find friends here if you will have me.

    Wow, I'm as nervous about posting here as I was for my first talk on the school! Stepping off the platform now.


  • stillajwexelder

    I am still a witness - just . There are many good people on this board -- some threads are a little silly but there ar esome good ones also. Welcome

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Welcome to the board. There are lots of nice people here.

    Check your in box please.

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    stillajwexelder and concerned mama,

    Nice to meet you both and thank you the welcome.


  • jst2laws

    Well done Sabrina,

    Your information was clear and informative. I'm giving you a "G" on that.

    As too subject theme emphasized I feel you could have elaborated a bit more on "Out of the mist" showing how your key points supported your theme. We would like to see you "work" on this one a little in your next presentation.

    Overall I feel you did a fine job and we truly enjoyed your discussion. We look forward to your next post.




  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    Wow, thank you now I truly feel at home!

    You're right though I did not address my theme. For me "out of the mist" means finding my way out of my whole life's misty thinking as a JW and trying to find a new way of life. I guess that's part of the reason why I decided to post here.

    Nice to meet you!

  • jst2laws


    For me "out of the mist" means finding my way out of my whole life's misty thinking as a JW and trying to find a new way of life. I guess that's part of the reason why I decided to post here.

    You will find your way. People here are on a variety of different levels in this process. The good thing for you is you have here so many people who have come all the way and truly HAVE A LIFE. Happy, adjusted, content with new founds beliefs or disbeliefs and moving on. That will be you too, stick around.

    Steve (jst2laws)

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    Thank you Steve,

    I feel like a stranger in paradise, just discovering the beautiful world around me. My JW upbringing taught me to see everything on the outside as bad. Now I see that while not everything is right with the world everything is not all wrong either.

    Don't know where this journey will take me but I trust in God with all my heart and so I fear not. I feel somewhere inbetween a JW and non JW. Is there a word for that? Got to stop now because the tears are coming.


  • Gopher

    Please allow me to welcome you "back" to this discussion board, Sabrina.

    You said:

    I love Bible study, my family, making good friends, and peace.

    Hey you don't need any religion to have all of that. In fact, sometimes religion actually INTERFERES with those things you love.

    I feel somewhere inbetween a JW and non JW. Is there a word for that?

    The JW's would call that "drifting". I'd call it "exploring". Glad you said you have no fear, you'll need "no fear" in spades as you go through your journey.

    Glad you're here and hope you enjoy the free exchange of thoughts.

    Jeff aka Gopher

  • jst2laws
    Got to stop now because the tears are coming.




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