Out of the mist

by Greenpalmtreestillmine 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Hi Sabrina ( your moniker is a great mental image)

    Welcome to the forum. I was also raised in the Truth, and left many years ago. If you are still in, that is ok. There are many supportive people here, and they have all , at one time or another, experienced the pain and insecurity of life "on the edge " or "out" of the religion.

    Remember, for those of us raised in that faith, it takes time to learn to think differently. If nothing else, your time here will prove to you that life can and will be very rewarding on the outside.



  • DJ

    Nice to meet you Sabrina. Hang tough and give it time. The process can be slow at times and sometimes a bit too fast...that has been my experience. The towers come a tumbling down but God is still there. He will hold you up and see it to the end. Love to you, dj

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    Thank you for the welcome and the link! It's so good to communicate with people who have gone down the same road. Nothing like it. I don't celebrate Christmas but this place comes the closet to a Christmas tree with presents under it for me.


  • Flowerpetal

    Hi and welcome Sabrina!

    Sabrina is my daughter's name. I have been a baptized JW for 44 years (got dunked at age 11) and for the past few years, I have been able to set myself mentally free from the org. So when I go to meetings now, I can look at them with a critical eye. It is really liberating!

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    Thank you for the welcome.


  • mouthy

    Welcome Sabrina.... Glad you came- I am the oldie on board ( & I am afraid I get silly at times) But I was a JW for 25 years over 20+ baptised ... I am 76.. I was DF because I dont believe Jesus came invisably in 1914- I made 10 people JWs... When I was DF I thought I was the only one out. Planned to still serve Jehovah on my own( after I got over thinking to kill myself) So you are really fortunate to have a place like this to come( so am I ) I love them all on board. & because I am now FREE ( I have a support group in Canada for those who have been DF-we have had 700 use it.) We have a group on the 15 Nov so far 22 are coming. I get silly on board( sorry folks) but we were far to serious in the W.Tower. I now laugh a lot- TRY to give folks a laugh. So just ignore my silly quips -Great to have you here. (((HUG))
    P.s. Most of the folks aboard "put up with me" hope you will too

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    Hi Frank,

    Learning to think differently is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. To not lean on people I thought were my spiritual fathers was so hard to do because it felt good you know to have someone guiding the way for me. Helping me (or so I thought) to learn about Jehovah and how to live a life that pleased God.

    Now I lean on God alone and hope that he will help all those in the Organization who search for him to have peace.

    Thank you for the welcome.


  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    I am inactive but the brothers still come by to encourage me. But you know I don't know what to say. I feel so sad for them and all of us. They mean well and I appreciate their concern but I can't really speak to them. I feel like a mute reduced to hand signals. I shake their hand invite them in and talk about nothing. They leave feeling they have helped me in some way but I just feel so sad.

    I feel between worlds.


  • Undecided

    Hi Sabrina,

    I've been through it all, 3rd gerneration JW, pioneer, almost all the positions in the congregation including PO. I left 30 years ago because I was overworked in the congregation and had no time for my self. I still believed most of the doctrins untill I began to think for myself and read Crisis of Conscience. Since then I have attended a worldly church to see for myself what happens there. It really is more of a social club than any thing else, I kind of enjoyed the fellowship but the religious aspects were crap. There were issues between some of the members and the pastor and the new church fell apart.

    I wish you well in your search for truth, I don't think there is any we can rely on. Just have your own relationship with God from your heart and don't let anyone tell you what to believe. Enjoy life each day and make friends you feel comfortable with to enjoy it with. The best to you from and old man from NC.

    Ken P.

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    Thank you. Yes God does hold us up to the end and people like yourself and others here are ones he uses to help those of us who need a helping hand from time to time. Your encouragement meant a lot to me.

    Thank you so much.


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