The most USELESS work a JW can do is PREACH! The Watchtower Society said that EVERY baptized person, whether they be male or female, child or adult, is a minister! And the Society says EVERY minister MUST do a "life-saving work" and "preach the good news of the kingdom". If a Witness does not preach as he or she should, they will be held "BLOODGUILTY" by Jehovah God! JW's are made to believe that their minority of preachers can save the lives of the billions that exist on this earth. There's supposed to be a "sense of urgency" connected to this "preaching work". If JW's don't get deeply involved in their ministry, those that are "groaning over all the detestable things" may not get the "mark of survival"!............These poor Witnesses actually believe that by going from house-to-house and in essence knocking on doors that have no one answering them, that they are fulfilling Jehovah God's commission to "make disciples".......What a scam!!!
The Preaching Work Is The Biggest Scam Happening On Jehovah's Witnesses!
by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends
It's busy work, pure and simple -- keep the people too busy to think about anything except a mythical future. Karl Marx's remark "religion is the opium of the people" is very true. Being a JW is like being a junkie. You have to have your fix three times a week or you are made to feel evil and bad. Get your fix and you are okay . . . until next time. Leave and you have withdrawal -- hallucinations (I'm going to die at Armageddon), anxiety attacks (maybe I should go back, just for the family), and for a while a sense of aimlessness while you try to fill the void.
Glad I'm out and free!
I always thought it was a waste of time even when I was a loyal dub.
People thought I was "weak" because I didn't agree with padding pioneer hours by doing things the CO suggested such as making a phone call before leaving for the service meeting and making a phone call after getting home, thus counting all the time in between (even the service meeting). I remember the pioneers laughing about the suggestions they got at the pioneer school to use the "pioneer walk".
One elder/pioneer told me once to run out and flash a magazine to an oncoming vehicle then come back into his house and get my coffee. He said he had done it half an hour earlier and was counting his time. Very proud of himself he was too for thinking of it!
If it were truly a "lifesaving work" then no minute would be wasted. All it is is a way to waste people's time so they don't have time to think or to do non-jw related things.
Surely to JWs engaged in the commision to preach the good news of the Kingdom ala Matt 24, this isn't a "scam" It is of course to those here who are no longer JW. Its a bit black and white, and a bit of a predictable response you're gonna get, What was the question again?
No question, this time, Scoob!.....Most JW's I know of are more concerned about getting their time in than they are "saving lives". Of course, what they're doing (or not doing) is not going to save anyone's life.
Hmmm......well I'll guess you'll find universal agreement here on this forum, true. But isn't that a generalisation in the wider sense?. I sort of think you're wrong that JWs are more concerned with getting their time in. Alot of JWs I worked along side with, loved the ministry work, they hated the abuse, but they loved the work, and really felt it was for Jehovah. I could not doubt their sincerity. Then you got me, and look where I ended up!!
In all the years that I was in the "truth", I can count on 1 hand, all those that "loved" the ministry. The average, typical JW that I've known either hated going out and knocking on stranger's doors or did it with the view that if they didn't preach, they'd feel guilty. C'mon, most people that are Witnesses, don't "love" the ministry.
Many of the witnesses I knew growing up, and myself included, didn't like the actual evangelizing aspect of the work so much as we liked driving around the countryside, talking to eat other, taking breaks, and seeing interesting houses.
OK I stand corrected, most do not love it. I could see the nervous faces as we met before field service. No-one is gonna like to knock on someones door, un-welcome and un-invited. You must remember that feeling, its a very un-popular one, and its un-natural to knock on someones door and try to talk to them about the Bible/Kingdom etc...... But I still maintain this is the exact reason why witnesses do this, not to just get their hours in, but because they have a love for Jehovah and feel they have a commision to preach, for whatever reason. Am I wrong?
Originally for me it was because I loved God and wanted to do his will, although my enthusiasm waned over the years.