double standards for the "in crowd" and the rest of us (ie judgements from JC hearings)
lack of love and christian kindness and real caring. this is one of the things that identify a christlike person, most of them did not have it.
doctrine flip flops
refusing to admit when they had made mistakes and trying to blame it on the "over eager flock"
destroying peoples famlies and lives with their insane rulings, and DF practices.
forcing me to thank someone for visiting my mom, a faithful JWS, when she was old and in a Nursing home and needed them. I had to beg them to come see her. At her funeral, some expected a thank u. Would christ have done that?
Not allowing people who needed medical help to get it, this includes mental help, or blood transfusins.
Placing themselves in the seat of christ and having the nerve to insit others view them as representives of christ, surplanting the word of God.
the final straw, the child abuse and rape and spousal abuse issues
the pain of going to the KH became more than the pain of leaving.