Now, at least if we just "do it", we're probably enjoying it!
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Let's see: old guys who have nothing to worry about. Their room and board is paid for. Their cars and insurance are paid for. Their food is paid for. Their health insurance is paid for. Their clothes are paid for. Their vacations and conventions are paid for. Absolutely everything they need including utilities is paid for. They have lots of "friends" right there at their disposal. They don't have children to support. Most of them never had any children to raise. Basically they have life handed to them on a silver platter. It's easy for them to tell the R&F to just do it. They have no clue what the real world is like or what it's like to truly suffer fear of losing jobs, houses, cars, children,insurance etc. or to work secular jobs.
"my yoke is kindly and light"...
I guess that they forgot to erase that scripture from the Bible... because they are not kind and the load is nowhere near light.
I was one of those who did all that was asked, all the time. Then I took a management course by Steven Covey. He teaches, "just because they toss you the ball, doesn't mean you HAVE to catch it"! In other words just because someone wants something from you does not mean you HAVE to do it. You need to see which 'box' it is in. There are four boxes all things fall into. (Box 1) Urgent and important, (Box 2) Not urgent and important, (Box 3) Urgent and not important, and (Box 4) Not urgent and not important. We should be in Box 2 all the time. Most folks are in Box 1. They wait until they HAVE to do something and then do it. A smart business person stays in Box 2 as much as he can and that way he will hardly fall into Box 1. No one should ever be in Boxes 3 or 4. They are time wasters and important to SOMEONE ELSE!
Once I saw the beauty of this way of thinking I started to evaluate all that was asked of me, and I would turn down anything I felt was not in my best interests. The look on the brothers faces the first few times I did this was of utter shock! How dare I refuse an assignment! And when asked why, I refused to bite, I said no explaination was needed. I did not need to justify my actions to them, again, they were stupified!
After that they started to watch me. But I felt a great weight come off my shoulders as I had more time for my daughter and myself. And in time I was not asked to do things, but if I wanted, I would volunteer. They would gladly let me do what I asked to do. I am very effective and efficient, so they knew the job would be done well.
"Just do it", is for the brain dead, There are no victims but the willing! Maverick
minimus - there is so much love flowing -- you can almost touch it --- they are so imitating Jesus -- he would have been the same --does not matter how tired you are -- what emotional turmoil you are going through -- Just Do More --- turn to your bible minimus -- Jesus - our lord and master said this all the time -- so they are being like Jesus -- aren't the Faithful and Discreet Slave and their representatives wonderful-- don't they look after us and our interests? What a wonderful organization. MAKES ME WANT TO VOMIT
Heather, Mav and Stilla----Great posts!......You too, Shamus.......How WE think is of most importance. What are OUR priorities?....Those telling us to just do it have no clue what the real life's about. When you say, "I'll pass", they are in amazement!.....Yes, they are so Christian, just like Jesus.
I guess now I'm putting all the jw stuff in box #4....or maybe there's a box #5, "Don't Bother".
. They have no clue what the real world is like or what it's like to truly suffer fear of losing jobs, houses, cars, children,insurance etc. or to work secular jobs.
Okay, I think I just figured out why these old men on the governing body don't have a crisis of conscience like Raymond Franz did. They probably know what they are teaching is BS but they fear they will end up like Ray, an elderly man having to sweat out a living...old men having to worry about the things mentioned in the above quote. Yeah, they tell us to "just do it!" because if we don't do it, their bread and butter dries up and they have to suck it up like the rest of us, the working stiffs. They end up outside the Garden Of Bethel amongst the rocky soil and thorns living by the sweat of their brows.
Now, likely most of you who have been out a while have this all figured out. For me though this is an epiphany. These gray fellows are no better than the Jim and Tammy Fayes or Robert Tiltonsof the world except that I think they draw the line at gold faucets and air conditioned dog houses.
One thing that the GB fails to realize (or just doesn't care), is that humans have emotions for other things and people other than Jehovah. If you're feeling any emotion other than "praise for Jehovah and his organization", Satan and his demons are influencing you. JWs then beat themselves up for their emotional condition, making it worse. People experiencing problems with their emotions (ie depression) naturally want to keep to themselves and avoid contact with other humans. Then they get "encouraged" to do more in the "truth". They end up beating themselves up even more.
flyinghighnow -- I like your post -- never thought about it that way