There were so mant talks given about how if you're out in service, we should keep it theocratic, in the way we speak. No talking about last night's ballgame or where you just went shopping. Just keep to 1 theme. The service and the meetings and "theocratic" things.
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
flyinghighnow -- I like your post -- never thought about it that way
It's a whole lot more than nice to be validated by an elder even if he is an ex elder. So many times was I trivialized, discounted & dismissed by elders even when the circumstances were profound, dire and the stakes high.
Most of the elders I knew were very good people. They just had some very huge limits, bad rules and doctrines to operate under.
Hey Mav,
I liked your management course lesson. It reminded me of when I was deleted as an MS at an old congregation many years ago. No words of encouragment, no warning. Just a "can we see you a minute" after the meeting one night. They informed me that due to my low hours in field service they were deleting me as an MS. Some would think that that would be a humiliating or sobering experience. But for me it was the opposite. I felt like a heavy load was lifted off of my shoulders. I no longer had to "live up" to certain standards. I could be myself again. I could relax and actually enjoy the meetings(pre-doubt days). It felt great. I actually thanked them. Of course some years later I got duped into serving again. And after getting deleted the second time I felt the same as the first. It won't happen again I can assure you.
You know, it occurs to me that if JWs and exJWs were the only inhabitants of earth that the unhappy in the org would continue to grow in numbers until we had a situation not unlike that of the French or the Russians who revolted against the czars and the kings and the Marie Antoinettes. "Let them eat Swiss Miss Pudding." Or maybe: "Let them eat hoagies!" Edited to add: "Let them eat fruit bags??"
The cool thing though is that there would not have to be any blood shed. I mean short of some bloody noses because as far as I know Bethel is not heavily armed.
Bethel is not heavily armed.
That's what YOU think! --->
Bethel is not heavily armed.
That's what YOU think! --->!!!! Oh man, that is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time maybe ever. Andy and I are laughing so hard I might fall off my chair. Okay, I just set that pic as wallpaper. Thank you, Nilfun for tremendously lightening my day.
Thank SixofNine for the pic. I believe he took it whilst engaged in some reconnaissance work for the WBOA (Worldwide Brotherhood of Apostates).
WBOA priceless!
Andy (Heather's Sweetie)
There were so mant talks given about how if you're out in service, we should keep it theocratic, in the way we speak. No talking about last night's ballgame or where you just went shopping. Just keep to 1 theme. The service and the meetings and "theocratic" things.
I remember my mother telling me this over and over again. How much can you talk theocratic? Really? You'll end up sounding like a Watchtower Magazine. This is one of the things I always questioned in the borg.
We had an elder's wife, Sister Perfect, that ALWAYS steered a conversation back to "theocratic" things. Always, unless it was the elders talking about the ballgame, the best sport's team, etc. I used to talk about the big boxing event that happened that week.....No wonder I was so loved.