Lets pretend jw's disappeared

by atheist_R_stupid 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillin
    I guess we disagree, Finklestein. Maybe I've known too many really bad people who are actual threats to those around them. But the Witnesses are no such threat. Mostly harmless people who have been so used to following their organization that they aren't bothering to think any more.
  • FayeDunaway

    Yeah I agree that they're NOT a positive force in their communities, since they don't do real charity work or get involved with community organizations! in fact, the worst things get, the happier they are, cuz they can say 'see?'

    I was quite the rebel to be the PTA president when I was still a witness! Most don't do stuff like that. 

    However they are in general not a Negative force in their communities, either. Not to the public, anyway. Inside, we know how messy everything is under the facade, and how miserable. 


    I'm pretending that you disappeared.

  • pbrow

    shit........ I love pretending the jw's have disappeared, but nope... still here.  Ex still doesnt want anti cervical cancer vaccine for our children, still doesn't want them to go to college, still does not want them to play sports (all the 10 year old kids that are bad association), still does not want them to go to a birthday party.  

    ARS.... its been a while since a good dub supporter has been around.  I have one request and one prediction.  I request that you post as much as possible and I predict you will not be posting in 6 months.  You may not realize it but you WILL help ALOT of people here but not in the way you think.

    Remember..... LOTS of posts please!


  • stillin
    Thank you, Faye. That was more like what I meant. 
  • FayeDunaway
    Joining sports teams is the BEST thing kids can do. That transition from elementary school to middle school? Rough! If your kids are on sports teams, it's a breeze. They already have lots of friends from other schools they will see in middle school! The kids in little league are really good kids, and you will meet a lot of really good parents too. The coaches are good people. I wouldn't have met so many neighbors I truly respect without little league. Couldn't recommend it more!!! So definitely push this with your ex. Bring the matter to court, if necessary. I think I know who the judge will side with ;).
  • goingthruthemotions

    I could only hope and pray they disappear. That POS cult is ruining my marriage. I hate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Finkelstein

    I guess we disagree, Finklestein.

    Another thing to acknowledge is how JWS parents bring up their children, where these kids are constantly being inundated with thoughts that the world is coming to an end and all people who are not JWS are not going to survive.

    Is that good responsible parenting ?

    Talk about f..ing up children's minds.    

    From a pro-stance they don't advocate drug abuse and smoking, but doesn't actually make them gleam like they are harmless to themselves and others in their community of where they live ?




  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    I haven't bothered reading the comments, I'm just immersed in the title of the thread... imagining how much better my life and family would be if WT had disappeared in 1975!
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Welcome ATHEIST R STUPID - to an oasis of support, information, & discussion regarding my religion which is unscripturally described as "Jehovah's" Witnesses.

    Are you angry?

    I'm a lot angrier than you are, because after having studied the Org's literature for years, I started studying the Bible. Guess what? I discovered numerous false teachings, cover-ups, and flip-flopping of doctrines which clearly prove that they are definitely not God's organization on earth!

    People on here generally supply evidence to back up their statements/contentions, so do some research on past topics and reason on the information.

    Your eyes and mind will be opened, I promise.

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