Collaborators of Charles T. Russell and members of esoteric societies

by mizpah2 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mizpah2

    GRAND LODGE A.F. & A.M. OF MISSOURI, Official Proceedings of the seventy-sixth annual communication of the M.W. Grand Lodge A.F. and A.M. of the State of Missouri, St. Louis: Woodward & Tiernan Printing C., 1896; p.167

    En 1896, Senor assura la fonction de Vénérable Maître dans sa loge (St. Joseph Lodge, No.78 - Anciens Maçons Libres et Acceptés: A.F. & A.M.)

  • mizpah2

    DENSLOW Ray V., A History of Royal Arch Masonry in the state of Missouri, Vol. 2, St Louis: Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons state of Missouri, 1932, p.933

    En 1932, Senor apparaît toujours dans les registres maçonniques comme un membre actif de cet ordre (Lodge No. 14 - Maçonnerie de l’Arche Royale: R.A.M.). Il n’est pas listé comme un adepte "mort", "suspendu" ou "retiré".

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Without translation, I’m not sure what the point is.

  • vienne

    This seems to suggest guilt by association more than anything else. A good translation would help.

  • Finkelstein

    In 1896, Senor served as Venerable Master in his dressing room (St. Joseph Lodge, No.78 - Former Free and Accepted Masons: A.F. & A.M.)

    In 1932, Senor still appears in the Masonic records as an active member of this order (Lodge No. 14 - Royal Arch Masonry: R.A.M.). He is not listed as a follower "dead", "suspended" or "withdrawn".

  • Finkelstein

    From the opening post .....

    American citizen Samuel D. Senor was educated in the medical field. From 1887 he studied medicine in St Joseph, Missouri. Two years later, he graduated as a practitioner. Between 1890 and 1892, he worked in this establishment as a teacher in chemistry, toxicology and urinalysis. Then he opened his doctor's office. Politically, Senor was a member of the Democratic Party in the early 1890s

  • Finkelstein

    Dr. Senor's interest in teaching Bible Students dates back to 1903 and perhaps before. He stated in one of the periodicals of this movement the following: "It is now about five years since I entered the light of the Present Truth, and the Lord has blessed me with the privilege of having the six volumes of the Dawn, and the Towers of 1890, which I have carefully traveled through, and from which I received a Bible Study course, an acquaintance of Heavenly Father and our dear Lord, and the plans and the goals and my relationship to that, sufficient thanks for which it would be difficult for me to put in words "(Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence, July 1, 1908, p.207, R.4203). The baptism of "Brother SD Senor" is between the years 1903 and 1907. His name appears for the first time in the literature of the Watch Tower Society, during a convention in Norfolk in the state of Virginia in 1907. On this occasion, he delivered a speech (Ibid., November 1, 1907, p.325, R.4081 / JONES Leslie W., Remembrance (Notes from) Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society's Conventions, Part II, Chicago, 1907, p. .162). A year later, a meeting of Bible Students was held in St Joseph on July 16, 1908. After this event, Dr. Senor welcomed Pastor Russell (Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence, 15 August 1908, p.244, R.4221 / St. Joseph Gazette, St Joseph: State of Missouri, July 15, 1908, p.2). Associated with the ecclesia of his city, he also realized in 1908, the following "vow" before the Lord: "I swear to you that I will be on the alert to resist all that is related to Spiritism and Occultism, and reminding me that there are only the two masters, I will resist these pitfalls in all reasonable ways, as being of the Adversary "(Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence, August 15, 1908, p. 254, R.4228). At that time, the congregation of Samuel D. Senor was composed of 17 members, including his wife Jessie T. (1871-1971). From October 1908, he served as Pilgrim alongside twenty brothers. During the six years of his ministry, he made more than 500 visits to ecclesiases across 22 US states. In his sermons he was portrayed in the newspapers as "an energetic speaker, a great thinker, and a man. vast knowledge "(The Burlingame Enterprise, Burlingame: State of Kansas, September 25, 1913

  • vienne

    Finkl, Thanks so much. I appreciate this.

  • Finkelstein

    Lodge No. 14 (Royal Arch Masonry: R.A.M.): S.D. Senor perfected his esoteric knowledge by gaining access to high Masonic degrees. In the city of St. Joseph, he participated in Chapters (4th - 7th degree) of the York Rite at least from 1893 (CHAPMAN BROTHERS, Portrait and Biographical record of Buchanan and Clinton Counties - Missouri, Chicago: Chapman Bros. , 1893, p.565). On April 24, 1895, he was introduced to the "Order of the High Priesthood": Honorary Degree conferred on the High Priests of the Chapters of the R.A.M. (Grand Chapitre of the Royal Arch Masons of Missouri, St. Louis, 1905, p.106). In 1905 and 1910, the name of "Senor, Samuel D." was on the "List of Members of the Order of the High Priesthood" (Idid.), Grand Chapters of the Archbishop of the State of Missouri, No.64, St Louis, 1910, p.155). In 1932, he always appears in the Masonic registers as an active member of this order. He is not listed as a "dead", "suspended" or "retired" adept (DENSLOW Ray V., A History of Royal Arch Masonry in the State of Missouri, Vol 2, St Louis: Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons state of Missouri, 1932, p.933).

    A dual membership: between Russellism and Freemasonry. For three years (1903-1906), Samuel D. Senor attended at the same time two Masonic lodges and an ecclesia of the International Association of Students of the Bible. Following his suspension from St. Joseph's Lodge No.78, Dr. Senor no longer adhered to the movement initiated by Pastor Russell between September 1906 and 1914. Nevertheless, during this period of 8 years, his involvement in the Order of the High Priesthood remains a probable but not certain hypothesis. After being reinstated in his adoption lodge a few months before September 1914, he also continued to rub shoulders with the Watch Tower Society and the Royal Arch Masonry until an unknown date. During his pilgrim activity, Brother Senor, Freemason and Student of the Bible, was invited to give lectures in various esoteric places: halls of the Knights of Pythias

  • mizpah2
    Finkelstein, Thanks for the translation!

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