how are you and the boys doing?..( trying to be compassionate about it) inquiring minds would like to know....
mac,...did it need batteries, for the backup to work?
by nicolaou 59 Replies latest watchtower medical
how are you and the boys doing?..( trying to be compassionate about it) inquiring minds would like to know....
mac,...did it need batteries, for the backup to work?
mac,...did it need batteries, for the backup to work?
Well, yeah.........duh!! It's much too heavy for me to lift with a rope even utilizing the pulley!!
mac, of the simple machines for simple men class
It is that veiw that the witness have is what tells me that are all nuts and not to be trusted, by saying those that have had a vasectomie can not be used as a elder or servant. Wow, what a messed up bunch of fools.
All done.
I had the new no-scalpel option which I would really reccommend! For any of you guys who are still thinking about it, this is how it went;
You lay on the couch (raised to suit the Doc's comfortable operating level) and are asked to open your legs. The Doc' will 'cup' you and then ask you to close your legs. Get the picture? Everything's nicely exposed and in the open for your Doctors easy reach and convenience. At this point, crack a smile, a joke, curse like a pissed-up old sea dog - anything to relieve the embarrasment. Make friends with your Doc' because right now you have more to fear from her than Jehovah God himself!
First of all, the Doc' injects me with some local anaesthetic - a needle in your nuts! FUCK! While we wait a few minutes for the anaesthetic to kick in, the Doc' and her assistant try to calm me down with polite small talk. Yeah right! I've got spotlights on my nadgers and I'm supposed to make with the chatty chat. Then, using a laser the Doc' burns a small hole in the side of my scrotum which, due to my babyish nerves, had clenched up tighter than last years Christmas walnuts. It smells a bit but it doesn't hurt too much - "hey this isn't going to be too bad".
The Doc' then inserts a slender hook into the freshly cauterized hole and gingerly teases out my vas deferens .......'HOLY SWEATING CRAPOLA!!' "Did you feel that Mr Nicolaou? I think you need a little more anaesthetic." So I get a return visit from Mr Needle - nice.
After a suitable pause and a little more chat the Doc' then returns to my vas and burns through it sealing both ends and returning it the relative safety of my scrotal sac. I want to apologise to it, how could I turn on a lifelong friend like that? Sorry buddy.
The whole procedure is now repeated on the left side where I am informed that because this other vas is a bit shorter I may experience more pain as it is pulled out. The nice shiny needle comes to see me again for the third and final time. Tired now, and with no dignity or elan remaining I find myself strangely relaxed. Hey I could lay here for another hour and chat with these two women but it's all over - finished.
They help me into my jockey shorts and trousers then the nurse leaves while me and the Doc' go through a few things (I've still got the semen tests to look forward to!) She was pretty cool. I'm thinking of sending her some flowers and a card to say; 'Thank You, but on our next date could we PLEASE just go for a drink?'
I moseyed on out of her surgery in a John Wayne stylie and my wife drove me home. Yeah it hurt like a bitch after the meds wore off but I'm not so bad today.
Thanks for all the nice comments. Isn't it nice to share? Are we bonding or what?!
There was an aposted called Nic'
Of babies his Missus was sick
So he went for the op'
Got his deferens lopped
Now slick Nic's fit dick won't miss a trick
I liked the limerick the best.
I think you SHOULD send the doctor flowers - now that you're snipped, you might go for a bit of the old romp, eh?
Well it's been a year since the 'snip'. No regrets. If any of you guys are thinking about it all I would say is "Go for it"! The sex is better and your wife or girlfriend won't have to put chemicals into her body every day.
Nic's a happy monkey today!!
bumped for flipper
BY all means, I recommend a vasectomy if you are done having children . But not if you still think you may want more kids. Just don't use the doctor I used. Doctor swell the nuts
If your still young ? Don't do it, because someday you will regret it.
OOPS I guess I am a little too late !
If your still young ? Don't do it, because someday you will regret it.
No I have not and nor will I under any circumstances (well none that I can think of)
BY all means, I recommend a vasectomy if you are done having children .
Thunder would, only regret is that we wish we had two more kids first.
Why is everybody so afraid of adoption?