Micheal Jackson Neverland Ranch Search Warrant

by Tinkerbell4125 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • myself

    morty, I just read that a news conference is set for tomorrow morning...stay tuned.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Here's the real inside scoop:

    Although the investigators are barred from stating why the search warrant was being executed, informed sources have reported that they have now found evidence that Robert Blake's cockatoo did it, and O.J. Simpson is out looking for the guilty bird.

  • myself

    Noooooooo say it ain't so, not Fred

  • Panda

    For all that MJ is and has done I believe his parents are both guilty, at least as guilty as MJ. No one told him to stop the PS, no one showed him how to be a megastar and human. Imagine if he'd grown up with real family values, not physically beaten by Dad and emotionally beaten w/ WTS by Mom. There was a time when he could've overcome his illness. I rememeber when he helped his sister Janet get her career, her dancing, her figure totally together --- Janet is fine. Even though we've all wondered about the allegations about MJ, we all know that someone in his family or employ knows the truth.

  • cyberguy

    I'm just waiting for the BIG SEARCH OF BROOKLYN BETHEL, to access all the JW-pedophile records! Don?t you folks wish the same?

    I can see it now! Ten FBI-cars surround Brooklyn Bethel, remove all the JW-pedophile records, and handcuff the GB, then cart them off to "neverland!" This is what would make my day! Don't you agree?

  • Farkel

    : Anyone saw the news on Micheal Jackson? Looks like he's is in trouble again!

    This is a great reason to chase away certain folks who actually have something to SAY and keep the folks with the IQ of Jerry Springer here and loving it. In otherwords, your thread is a way to keep this board thriving with morons like yourself and to chase away people who actually like to think. Of course, I'm certain my observations, while true, will be deleted by the thought police, who don't believe that the above moron is the above moron that it is, and that I'm the bad guy for pointing out the fact that this topic is so insipid, I nearly hurled when I saw it Not to mention the fact that the above moron couldn't even spell Michael Jackson correctly. Sigh. Farkel

  • Satanus
    couldn't even spell Michael Jackson correctly.

    Well spotted, doug.


  • seven006


    You're a smart guy, what do you hope to accomplish by making the statements you just made?
    Do you seriously think it will change anything in a positive manner?

    I'm asking this because at one time we were good friends and Iv seen a change in you. At one time we both laughed at some of the craziness on this board but considering the diversity of posters here now you have to agree that we can't all be rocket surgeons. Nor do we need to be to simply be a decent person who is just trying to find our own way in a life that we were once sheltered from and lied to about.

    At one time we all bought the JW bullshit with blind acceptance and could have been laughed at and made fun of by the simplest of poster on this board. Time, understanding and personal growth has taken some of us a long way. Some here are just at the beginning of that journey. You were there once yourself.

    Asking as a friend (and I hope we still are) can you cut a little slack to the ones who are a bit behind? Who knows, maybe someday, one of the so called morons may pass us up and think we are a couple of idiots. The only true benefit of making comments like that is the smart ass self righteous smile it brings to the little Bethel gremlins that lurk here and then run back to talk about it with the boys upstairs. With the little wars between this site and the other one lately we might as well be standing on a street corner handing out watchtowers for all the help we have been giving them lately.

    It's just a little to think about, I hope it doesn't piss you off.

    Take care.


  • hawkaw

    Hey Doug,

    This is a great reason to chase away certain folks who actually have something to SAY and keep the folks with the IQ of Jerry Springer here and loving it. In otherwords, your thread is a way to keep this board thriving with morons like yourself and to chase away people who actually like to think.

    I kinda thought this was an interesting topic and decided to post.

    I have been away for a while - beyond busy at work. What's with this thought police stuff you are talking about? You been swearing again? Give me an Email and let me know what is on your mind.


    BTW - It seems NBC news and CTV is reporting that they have an arrest warrant out for Jackson (for child molestation)

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Farkel, I guess my comment to you on that is.....I know alot of people like you. Alot of my j.w family seems to have your air of arrogance. It's sad when the only way a person can feel good about themselves, is to try and make others feel bad. You talk big behind that computer screen. Wonder just how big you would talk face to face.

    Yes you made me feel bad, but not in the way you think, you made me feel bad for you! Maybe someone has been mean to you in your life and that has caused you to lash out like you do. They call that poor self asteem, but then again, I'm sure you knew that!

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