I go away from this psycho board for one night and now I'm accused of being a closet homo with a fur-ball shoulder fetish. You people are sick.
I went to Craig's. The place was full of psychotic exJW's who only want to talk about bible shit. I made a diversion. Shoot me.
Craig is an easy target, he's still fresh out of the jehovah club. He wants to be cool like me someday. I'm giving him lessons. Someone has to play the part of the neophyte and Craig painted a target on his ass the day he became a mod. It's just too hard for me to pass up. I try to be a good boy, it's just hard sometimes. The force is strong within me.
Try and look at what I do as kind of a public service thing for the socially handicapped.
It's my job.
Now,...all of you bite me.
.......nobody gets me...sniff, sniff,.... I'm just trying to fit in...cry,cry...sniff, next time I'll just take everybody bowling.