We go through cycles every so often here. We get new posters every week and at times we lose some posters. When most "newbies" find this site, they are thrilled to be able to express themselves in a way that they could never in a Kingdom Hall. Some of us have different issues, experiences and backgrounds that make us who we are. Some are sometimes angry, confused, unsure, etc. Many are going through an emotional and spiritual roller-coaster ride. Yet we have this site to use to make friends, to research, to understand the reality of the "truth".....I think we should try to focus on the positive contributions that are made by Simon here. Too often, we express a lack of gratitude for what we do have and enjoy. Granted, nobody is perfect. Simon has some very strong viewppoints and his opinions are not necessarily viewed as always in agreement with the majority. Sometimes he may be wrong in his assessments-----like all of us! But why not point out the positives to him for what we have. Even if you've ever had a beef or two with him (like me), why not look for the good things he's done. If I were the owner of a place like this with so many personalities, I would've sold out a long time ago..... Simon, you should be given credit for making this forum work. I believe you've helped thousands of people to learn the truth about the "truth". You should be praised for that.
Can We Give Words of Support To Simon For This Forum???
by minimus 63 Replies latest jw friends
I totally agree with you, minimus. We need such places as this (and of course a german platform) to overcome our difficulties and leaving the "thruth".
Thanks to Simon! (What other support can we give than to praise? Any contribution to send for internet service?)
Can We Give Words of Support To Simon For This Forum
We sure can!
I believe you've helped thousands of people to learn the truth about the "truth". You should be praised for that.
*Praises Simon* Thanks alot for this forum, it sure has helped me alot!
This site provides a great service and I am glad for it. I am also glad Simon has the domain name Jehovahs Witness.com! Perfect irony! Thanks Simon....and Min for bringing it to our attention! Maverick
Simon has a thankless job, which he does very well.
I would not do it for all the money in fort Knox (well maybe for that money I would do it for a week.)
And talking about money wouldn't that be a nice way to say thank you.
Running this must cost heaps as well as the time he has to take away from his potential money earning.
The donation box is at the top and it is very simple.
Just out of curiousity, is that a tax deduction too? The Watchtower got many of us to give them donations with the thought that we were benefitting ourselves. too.
Absolutely. Simon has my full support and I am quite sure he knows it.
Simon you rock dude! Like totally! (I know how you love Americanisms)
Seriously, you have taken far more sh*t from indecent souls than most of us could take. I know it probably gets to you, I don't know how it couldn't, with all the mean insults on this board and elsewhere.
Keep up the good work mate.
Let's hear it for the boy!
Hooray for Simon (and Ang!)
Big Tex
Absolutely. Simon has my full support and I am quite sure he knows it.
I couldn't have said it better myself.