What did you day dream about at assemblies?

by lastcall 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    All the hot little verginal sisters walking around the convention in their tight little dresses.

  • wednesday

    Most of the time, i really did try and listen, b/c u know we were all waiting for new light. also, i listened to see if anything i was currently doing was now a DF'ing offense. U never know. if too bored, i'd go to the bathroom and then start looking around to spot people. I found that if u wear sunglasses u can maybe get a nap in. My daydreams would be of getting out of the pantyhose and all and having a rum and coke.

  • Yerusalyim

    I've never been to an Assmebly, but during church and at KH often find myself day dreaming about the Juggies of some girl in church...or her kester. mmmmm

  • nilfun
    My daydreams would be of getting out of the pantyhose and all and having a rum and coke.

    Would it have been too much for the 'brothers' to spring for a wet bar? Two drink minimum. Tom Cruise could mix the Cocktails.

  • lastcall


    As far as the daydreaming goes I think my brain was plotting ways to get out of there. Usually I felt too sick to attend at least one of the days. Here I had a 100% attendence record at highschool but got sick for meetings and assemblies. Imainge that.

    For real. One time when I was 16, I took a zip lock bag of cheerios up to my bedroom...at about 2:00 in the morning, I made a bunch of loud barfing sounds so that my parents would hear. I chewed up the cheerios and spit them into the toilet and left them there so that that my Dad would think I was really sick.

    My goal was that the rest of my family would travel up to the assembly and they would leave me at home, because I had been planning a big party all week.

    Well my Dad totally bought the cheerio's bit, but he didn't trust me enought to leave me at home for the weekend...so every one stayed home.

    I got busted after about 20 kids called to see when the party was...later my Dad was turning people away at the door. Whoops!


    I would use my magic watch to stop time and then rearrange things - maybe balance a fruit bag on the speaker's head, draw a chocolate pudding smile over a few people's mouths, put makeup on a few of the 'brothers' faces to doll them up. Rearrange some folks into compromising positions, lol. You know, nothing too harmful...

    Bwaaaaaaahaaa.Your killin' me


    otherwise I daydreamed about pioneering and reaching out to be a CO and have the brothers and sisters kiss my ass.

    You had some lofty spiritual goals brother.

    BTW my Browns got their asses whipped. What a shock.


  • orangefatcat

    I would daydream too, when I was tired but most of all I wished it was over and we could leave. And in the wintertime I daydreamed of Christmas and hoping we celebrated it.


  • Nosferatu
    I would use my magic watch to stop time and then rearrange things - maybe balance a fruit bag on the speaker's head, draw a chocolate pudding smile over a few people's mouths, put makeup on a few of the 'brothers' faces to doll them up. Rearrange some folks into compromising positions, lol. You know, nothing too harmful...

    I used to have very similar daydreams, except mine went a little further. I would stop time, undress the speaker on the platform, and then start time again and see if he runs off the stage from embarassment, or think that noone would notice his appearance, but focus on his talk.

    Then there was undressing all the good looking sisters to see what they looked like under those unrevealing clothes.

    Unfortunately, another thing I daydreamed about was suicide.

  • lastcall

    Queeny, you could have lost your privledges!

    And..... I would've had to have gone flubber on you!



    LC, that would have been wondeful!!!!!!!! LMAO

  • datsdethspicable

    As a kid I planned my suicide. I was so tired of life.

    As I got older and discovered boys, I daydreamed about sex.

    Then when I had a boyfriend waiting for me back home. I did Kegels and daydreamed about sex

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