My family has never been JW, so my kids have always celebrated Christmas. Pretending about Santa is all part of a game and innocent fun. My 15 year old daughter puts out a can of Coke (her dad's favorite beverage) and shortbread cookies beside the fireplace every Christmas eve. She knows very well who Santa and Mrs. Santa are, but she does it anyway. That empy can and plate with crumbs better be there in the morning, too, because she checks. All part of family traditions.
Many years ago when she was still small, my son, who is 4 years older, knew there was no real Santa and she still believed. He took great joy in NOT spoiling it for her. He thought it was great that he was part of this adult fun game that is for "little" kids. Even though they are far from little kids now, they still love the myth of Santa and love pretending it is the jolly old fellow or his wife who fills their stockings.
I hope your whole family experiences the joy and happiness of the Christmas season and in building your own traditions. I hope your kids love Santa till they are old and grey. Remember that the spirit of Santa is about giving, not just getting.