ARGGHHH!!... may I make a reply? Thank you, dear Farkel. Let's start with the erroneous assumption that God did not want Adam/Eve to 'the difference between good and evil.' That's not a true statement, dear one. My Father did not want His children to know good... AND bad. Indeed, they knew GOOD... and good was all they knew. He lovingly did not want them to also know BAD. And had they obeyed, they would have never known bad, for 'bad'... was sin and death. Had they obeyed, they would not have 'known'... sin and death.
Regarding Adam/Eve being made in God's image, you are correct, to a point. They were made in His image in that they, too, had perfect spirit. He was 'holy' and so, they, too, were 'holy'. But they CHOSE another 'father', to have their spirits 'begotten' by another one. And thus, my Father CHANGED their 'image'... to what we are enslaved to now.
Did God know good and bad? Indeed, my Father did know good... and He also knew 'bad'... for it is His number one enemy... Death... 'the last enemy'.. that is 'bad'. He, JAH, is good, and therefore, KNEW good. Death, however, is not only His enemy... but His brother. And thus, He also KNEW Bad. He just didn't want Adam and Eve to know him (Bad/Death).
You're a father, yes, Daddy-O? Would precluding your children from knowing something... or someone... that could harm them mean that you were keeping something FROM them? Or would it mean that you instead LOVED them and wanted their lives to be as wonderful as possible?
What you and I and everyone have to remember... NEED to remember, is that while JAH planted the Garden of Eden, He only sowed 'wheat' in that garden. The only 'seed' HE sowed... was 'good' seed. But if you recall, a 'man' (I will enlarge on that under separate heading), came and sowed WEEDS in the same field. You have to consider this from a standpoint of men and their 'seed'... or sperm.
Adam and Eve were half-breeds, children given to God by the Earth (Hagar) until the children of God's 'free' wife, Jerusalem Above (Sarah), could be born. And like Ishmael, Adam and Eve were loved. But Ishmael's hatred of Isaac was born out in the same drama of Adam/Eve... and the Tree of LIFE... their half-brother, my Lord.
Rather than subject themselves to him, just as Ishmael did not subject himself to Isaac, they instead disobeyed. And by disobeyed, they ALLOWED 'place for the Devil', and Death, the latter of whom came in and 'fertilized' Adam and Eve's HEARTS... with HIS sperm. Thus, rather that 'wheat' growing, such 'wheat'... Adam and Eve... because 'chaff'.
But my Father did not stop there; He had a purpose and that was to populate the 'land', Earth, with HIS seed, by means of His 'free' wife. But that 'wife'... was barren; she could not yet give birth to children. And so, through Adam, my Father, JAH, allowed the 'seed' of the slave woman (Earth/Hagar) to promulgate. But, in order to see His purpose through, He removed His spirit from Adam... and placed it in ABEL. Thus, the 'seed' that Adam was SUPPOSED to righteously fertilize, was now the responsibility of Abel.
But... Cain, the 'seed' of the Devil, and thus, Abel's half-brother... killed Abel. Where did God's spirit go then? To Seth. And Enoch. And Noah. And Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And while it was indeed UPON Moses, Aaron, Elijah, Samuel, etc., it went INTO... Judah... and on down the line to David... and on down the line... to my Lord.
And it is by means of MY LORD that we who are the 'seed' of the woman today, are 'fertilized'. It is HE that 'pours out' such spirit and by whom we are now 'begotten'. And THAT is why HE is called, "Eternal... FATHER." For a 'father' is someone who 'begets' a child, offspring. He, then, is our 'father', just as Abraham was our 'father'... in that the LINEAGE of God's spirit comes through him, in the same way that the LINEAGE of Israel came through Abraham. The only thing that changed was that the 'conception' changed from being <i>physical</i>... to <i>spiritual</i>. We are not beget 'in the manner of the flesh', but in the same way that both Isaac and my Lord were beget, 'in the manner of the SPIRIT'... due to a promise.
Adam had already received that 'begetting' when my Father breathed HIS spirit into Adam's nostrils. But Adam (Eve was deceived) CHOSE to DENY that spirit, IGNORE it's begetting (because for a CERTAINTY that spirit told him NOT to eat of the 'bad' tree)... and obey another.
It really is not that complicated, Daddy-O, and it truly is not a 'fable'. I can absolutely understand how most people would think it one, though, because most have not had it accurately... and Truthfully... explained to them. They have relied on 'earthling' man to do the explaining, rather than simply go to the "Source"... the One from which Truth and Life flow... my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.
I am not asking you to believe it... or expecting you to. It's just that I was 'compelled'... by the spirit of my Father that is in my, Holy Spirit, by means of Christ... to tell the truth about the matter.
I bid you peace and will see you in the post about 'man'.
Your servant, friend and a slave of Christ,
SJ (who may have to be here after all... we'll see... and thank you all for your patience.)