Dearest D. (Farkel)...
First of all, I am not some macho-macho guy that has no feelings. I am ALL 'girl', and subject to getting my feelings hurt from time to time... by friends. Including, evidently, you. So, your admonishment to stop whining is both inaccurate... and unfeeling. You took a 'logical' debate, demanded answers and proof of ME, while you stated assumptions, speculations and conjecture. Then, when you have NO more argument, you tell me that the entire thing was 'off-topic' anyway. What a guy! And, no, I wasn't expecting you to be 'nice' (YOU? LOL!)... but I DID expect fair, reasonable... and balanced. My bad.
You don't agree with me... so what? I don't agree with you... what's the big deal? I TRIED to end the entire thing when I SAID I had been given nothing more to share with you. YOU, however, pushed for more... and when I give, cry 'that's not what this place is all about'. Whose the 'whiner', D.?
Tell me, as friends, why not simply agree to disagree? For you yourself in fact SAID (after all that "Stop whining. Post here if you want, but remember what this board is all about. It is not about "truth" as you know it, but about "truth" as dubs are taught.")...
"You (meaning me) see yourself as promoting the "real" truth and I see myself as exposing "fake" truth."
As long as folks are led AWAY from the bondage of those reprehensible imposters, we ARE in agreement. We just disagree on where (or should I say to WHOM) they should be led TO afterward. If they listen to you... so be it. If they listen to me and by that listen to the One who speaks to ME... why not let THAT be as well? Or are WE to decided for THEM? Should we, D., give them only ONE point of view? Watch out... there's hypocrisy 'afoot'.
You go on to say:
"When I get a few voices talking to me all the time, perhaps I'll feel like you do."
Yet, you want to preclude others from getting to that point... simply because YOU are not 'there'. How fair and equitable is THAT?
"I can't shop at Macy's because I don't have
a Macy's credit card, so YOU all have to shop
at KMart with me... and if I get a card, I'll
let you know. Maybe I'll take you with me...
but maybe not... 'cause I ain't really sure
there even IS a Macy's or if I even BELIEVE in
the existence of Macy's... 'cause I live WAY out
in the 'rural' country about a jillion miles,
and me'n my neighbors are the only ones here,
so I ain't never SEEN no Macy's and I don't
think neither have any of them, but I got a book
here that says one's out there... and there ARE
folks around these parts who actually get out
every now and again and travel and who've said
THEY'VE seen it... but it would take a credit
card to prove to ME that it was there... 'cause
even if I could never GET there and see for myself
... I COULD order by mail."
And you finish by saying, "Until then, I'll just fight falsehood."
May I ask why, as a friend, you will not permit ME to do the same... 'fight falsehood'? And don't fight falsehood by BOTH exposing the lie... AND revealing the truth? If it's because there ain't enough room on your 'soapbox', why not just say THAT... rather than try to make ME out to be a whining liar?
Many friendships would not survive that kind of 'give-and-take', D. This one, however, will, because it is not based on your conduct toward me. For just as my Father and my Lord loved me FIRST... and THEN taught me to love them... I have loved and WILL love you... FIRST. And perhaps maybe... you will learn something, too.
My love and peace remains with you... always and until time indefinite. And I WILL be down to see you before the summer is over, 'cause if he's still around, I plan to have 'Cockroach' KICK YER BUTT for messin' with me and hurtin' my feelings! Just because I am 'commissioned' doesn't mean I am not 'female'. My 'vessel' is just as 'weak' as the next girlie's... AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!
Your friend, servant and a slave of Christ,