I'm honestly FOR more gun laws that restrict what types of people have access to weapons. Silencers are the least of the problem. I can make a Silencer out of a Maglite flashlight casing and some ordinary items found in your local hardware store. No law against it could change my ability to do it. Any "loop holes" SHOULD be closed. I go to plenty of "Gun Shows", and in this state (Pennsylvania) you can't just walk in, slap money down on the table, and walk out with a firearm. Proper ID, paperwork, and immediate insta-check background check is req'd. This whole "Gun Show" crap I hear touted out, is absolute bullshit!!
Timothy McVeigh used a U-Haul truck filled with ammonium nitrate to detonate and kill hundreds of people in 1995. No gun req'd. Same thing on 9/11......box cutters and planes. These sick people are going to kill people no matter what, if that is their intention.
There have been guns in America since it's very inception. Up until I'd say about the 1960's, they weren't a problem. Kids would take .22's out and hunt squirrels. Boys had them mounted to the back inside of their pickup truck window's as they drove to school. No one did anything, no one killed anyone, and if they did, it was a very, VERY rare occurrence. Society as a whole is totally F*CKED on this planet.
Anyway, they have strict knife laws in Australia and Europe. No lock-back knives, autos, or anything over a 2" blade. Funny, the freakin' Islam-o-turds use machette's and AK's when they go hunting infidels in Europe. Oh, and vans. They seem to just LOVE running thru crowds with vans. No guns allowed. Hmmm. This world has gone to shit, truly it has. I'm up for moving to Washington State, Idaho, or Montana. As close to Canada as I can get, without actually have to live with their restrictive laws and shitty healthcare system. The southern USA has been overrun with illegal immigrants, bedbugs, exotic mosquito's, brown recluse spiders, and those new "Kissing Bugs". Screw that. I'm up for cooler, rural climate.