Sigh... i sit here and tell myself i wont be drawn into this , that its a bottomless hole of no win scenarios... yet here i am...
how are the victims going to be compensated?
for better or worse the killer killed himself so there are no direct answers to be had and no trial to provide a sense of closure. Are they entittled to money from.... someone? The shooters estate perhaps. But the manufacture of the firearm....? Do you sue toyota if someone kills you in a prius? Were the makers of pressure cookers sued after the boston marathon? Did boeing pay damages after 9/11?
over and over we look to take someones money to make others feel better. Mostly ourselves, thinking that giving someone someone elses money is a good thing.
This is more handwringing and trying to give meaning to violence that has no meaning. His motovations will become clearer in days and weeks. That wont solve anything but it will help some find closure eventually.
As for insurance... again, if this jackass bought firearms illegally do you realy think he would have insured himself??? Does anyone think these things through or do we so obsessively feel the need to react that ANYTHING, even pointless wheel spining, feels better than accepting the truth....