When did WT lose the spirit?

by Smiles 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jp1692
    Smiles: This question rests on a premise that Watch Tower may have, at one time in the past, actually had the spirit.

    But your premise is wrong. There is not only no evidence that the WTBTS ever “had the spirit,” there is no evidence said spirit exists, or ever existed, at all—at anytime or anyplace.

  • TD

    I'm not sure if I understand the question, but would say that from a purely pragmatic standpoint, the pinnacle for the JW's occurred during the age of the "New World Society" during the 50's and 60's.

    Part of this, I think, was the general optimism of the time period; part of it that JW doctrines were still plausible inasmuch as time had not yet run out and part of it was that life back then was different in ways that favored and facilitated groups like the JW's

    Believe it or not, before cable, satellite and the internet, when you were lucky if you had more than three black and white channels on television, JW meetings were the high-point of people's weeks.

  • krismalone

    Your question makes as much sense as asking "When did Santa Claus become evil?"

    Wrong premise as already stated by others.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Every person will have a different answer to that question. Each person accepted it at one time in their lives, goes through a period of strong belief, then doubt, then disbelief. For me personally, the disbelief came when I realized I had gotten screwed by not attending college, which came around 1980. Before that I would have thought that the religion was true and vibrant, after that it really started to fade fast.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    As the old expression goes:

    "When you've got it...you got it!"

    Sorry, WT never had it...never will!

  • asp59
    Even if we have a diffrent opinion of what happend. Seems like a large number of people that were or still in this org think theres no holy spirit left. Thats interesting.
  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Now if you want to start a thread about proof that there's a Devil...the sheer existence of the WTBTS would be my first argument! : ) : ) : )

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim



    In 1954 with the demotion of Jesus Christ to angelic status. From that point onward the possibility of relationship with Jesus ended.''

    Or as someone else said, you cannot lose something you've never had.

    On a personal note however, IMHO, I would have said if not for the previous 2 observations would be the 1975 fiasco failure and fallout. They jumped the shark again totally in 1995. They tried to gaslight the rank and file in 1995, as they did in 1975. Blaming the followers by putting too much stock in dates in stuff. And not being too presumptuous.

  • RolRod


  • Smiles

    Problem with quickly claiming WT never had the spirit, or that the spirit is a myth:

    • Sweeping overgeneralizations as those are usually not successful in helping PIMI to accept the truth about "the truth". PIMI are better helped to shift toward PIMO & POMO through small doses of exposé... factual events where Watch Tower failed to be "God's spirit directed organization."

    Another problem with claiming Watch Tower never had the spirit or that the spirit is a myth:
    • Such claims raise more questions about the claimant than it does about Watch Tower itself.

    Probably the only persons that can make such a claim with any real validity are persons that were never associated with Watch Tower, or those that instantly detected Watch Tower failures and then immediately rejected Watch Tower.

    If an active or former JW were to claim, as some have done here, that WT never had the spirit, or that the spirit is a myth, either claim would place the onus upon their own shoulders as to why he or she ever joined and followed Watch Tower while purporting itself to be "God's spirit directed organization."
    If WT never had the spirit or if the spirit is a myth, then WT followers, both former and active, must eventually acknowledge either:
    • My own naïvety wholly contributed to my being easily duped by Watch Tower.
    • I deliberately began following Watch Tower with full knowledge that it is not God's spirit directed organization.
    So why not leave the onus upon Watch Tower in that while it may have at some point 'had the spirit' (as nebulous as that spirit may be) Watch Tower lost the spirit as a result of Watch Tower's own failures rendering Watch Tower in breach of duty; thus, by default, relieving you and me, holding us harmless, nullifying any and all obligations to Watch Tower, real or imagined; thereby granting us a free and clear departure out of Watch Tower, no fault of our own.
    One premise can heap blame upon self.
    The other premise allows us to blame Watch Tower.
    Watch Tower lost the spirit...
    Blame Watch Tower, not yourself.
    This is an important valid coping mechanism for those of us that have suffered stigma and abuse at the hands Watch Tower.

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