Those scary apostates outside conventions with banners and megaphones...

by dolphman 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby


    Maybe the scoober is having a hard time with coming to realise that the watchtower Organisation is a piece of shit. It can make you a bit negative for awhile.( now it could be the scoober is just bitchy anyways, but maybe give him the benifit of the doubt)


  • avishai
    GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!! Yes I am one of those folks you all think is loonie!!!! I have picketed the Brooklyn Bethel for 10 years. Skydome in Toronto for two years....Yes I had the bull horn too> Shouting how much I loved them all. On my placard it read "Your are studying the scripture because you think by them you will have everlast ing life- Yet you refuse to come to ME=Jesus" On the other side it said "The work of God is to believe in the one he sent Jesus Christ".

    Sorry for the bozo comment, I was'nt thinking.

    *would be proud to go evil slaving w/ someone as brave as mouthy*

  • SanFranciscoJim

    I've participated in quiet "street work" in front of the Cow Palace in San Francisco.

    You can see the photos at:

    Interestingly, it was the JWs who often yelled at us! In fact, one even gave us "the finger" as they drove past into the assembly! Such theocratic behavior!

  • Abaddon


    Do you not think that getting an 7 or 8 year old girl to stand outside a convention ground with exjws holloring through megaphones, giving out "apostate" literature is not a form of indoctrination in itself? Or can you not get your mind round that one?

    Not neccesarily. She might come from a family that got out of the Borg, be receiving a comprehensive education, be familiar with a variety of belief systems, and be quite capable of saying why JW's and other high control groups differ from most main stream religions, and that they need to be made aware of this.

    I might not think it's the most effective action, but your assumption that it is "a form of indoctrination" is unfounded, thus your initial comment

    Who hear said they saw a little girl with long red hair beautiful and giving out apostate literature maybe about 7 or 8, and thought surely Jehovah wouldn't kill her...... this is laughable. And very sad, had the same girl knocked on your door with a WT and her mother you'd be condemning her mother for indoctrination into a cult. Give me a break.

    ... is, how do you say... laughable?


    Very cute; you're still playing the victim game. Let's refresh your memory. You said;

    [poster name removed] why are you so focused on the right to have sex with young girls?

    I've edited out the name of the poster you directed this statement at, as I don't feel it was fair of you to make implications about someone in that way and don't want to repeat them - but I do feel you are at the best talking to the kettle, at the worst, being a decietful hypocrite, by now trying to make out you are some poor hard done by creature being victimised by a bad un.

    I might bust people's chops, but you'll note normally, as with Scoob, as with YOU, there's a reason why. If I get called fairly on something, I'm normally embaressed enough to apologise.

    You implied someone was a paedophile for what reason? It wasn't an insult hurled in a heated argument (and even then... ). It wasn't something someone laughed off; the poster ended up giving details of their age and their partner's age they were so upset by what you said.

    But you ignore your own behaviour, try to make yourself the victim, make no apology, and in all liklihood show this to be another occasion when you toss your hair and stomp out of the thread as you're suddenly 'tired of it'.

    People have heated arguments here and IRL. Pointed barbs get thrown to-and fro. People deal with it, in fact, many enjoy it.

    But stoping just short of accusing someone of being a paedophile would get you in trouble at most parties and in most bars, especially when it was so obviously ill founded.

    Get used to the fact it gets you into trouble here too.

  • mouthy

    Thanks Wednesday for your welcome back....
    Stacy -I agree
    SansF---Yes I got the finger -spit at- many times from LOVING BRO's>>>Well they were loving their ememies...I think the time for picketing is gone.Now we have this way-MUCH MORE coverage.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Ab I'm a victim because I call you on something? I haven't complained about how you talk to me. But callng Scooby a twat because you view his post as something less that acceptable to you is just amazing to me.

    You also have no idea if I've aplogized for anything I've written because when I do offer an apology it is sent in a PM. You haven't deserved one from me so don't expect it.

    But your behavior will continue because you're approved here. It's ok, I honestly don't care and your comments don't affect me. As a matter of fact the quanity of your words is something I'll let others wade through.

  • Abaddon
    Ab I'm a victim because I call you on something?
    No, you're PLAYING the victim because since I started giving you a hard time for implying another poster was a paedophile, rather than apologise to the person you attacked in public (public attacks deserve public apologies), you've tried to make me look like the bad guy instead.
    I haven't complained about how you talk to me.
    Oh yes you have you little liar!
    The lack of respect you have shown me during my short stay here on the other hand is amazing in itself.
    Your strange little contrary world carries on...
    But calling Scooby a twat because you view his post as something less that acceptable to you is just amazing to me.
    I just want to summarise what your standards of acceptable behaviour are; so, you lie about what you do (see above) and imply people are paedophiles because they disagree with you in an argument, am I right so far? Rhetorical question obviously; see the links Stacey. In any case, scooby was on the attack and being rude himself so I don't see what your point is.
    You also have no idea if I've aplogized for anything I've written because when I do offer an apology it is sent in a PM. You haven't deserved one from me so don't expect it.

    Stacey, everyone knows I'm not asking YOU to apologise to ME; I'm saying you should apologise to the person you implied was a paedophile. From what you say above it seems you're big and brave enough to imply someone is a paedophile in public and apologise in private. Pfff!
    But your behavior will continue because you're approved here.
    So 'approved' Simon relocks a post after unlocking a post to reply to me... but that's just you wanting this; Yes Stacey, everyone is against you, sniff, sniff. That's your sympathy, now grow up. You caused this with your brain, your keyboard, and your fingers. Don't try to blame anyone else
    It's ok, I honestly don't care and your comments don't affect me. As a matter of fact the quanity of your words is something I'll let others wade through.
    You care enough to respond Stacey. Again. It's sad my comments won't affect you; your comments made a poster give their age and that of their partner after you implied they were a paedophile... pretty obvious they were affected by your comments; equally obvious what your attitude to their feelings is.
  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    there an echo in here?

  • ScoobySnax

    Abad........ oooh poor show! I find it amazing that you attack Stacy for "hurting" someone elses feelings when you continue to post in the vein that you do.

    In reply to your answer to my post your first line read "Not necessarily" and "might"......that was as confident as you got.....the rest was just babble. Try a bit better next time.

  • Mysterious
    Interestingly, it was the JWs who often yelled at us! In fact, one even gave us "the finger" as they drove past into the assembly! Such theocratic behavior!

    Gay issues seems to attract untheocratic behavior, but no one seems to care as long as it's all anti-gay. What a lame double standard is that. A boy in our congregation is forever raving in graphic detail of methods of execution on a nearly constant basis, but his father never puts a stop to it. ugh.

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