Busy place!
1. Thank you, 7, for the clicker to Nazi propaganda site. That is where I have been for a while. Fascinating thoughts on how to actually accomplish the idea of mind control. Fascinating.
2. Andyman, I thought today more about your question. I was looking at it from my own experiences and my children's only. They were, and aren't, shunned. Neither are we. Of course, we were never a popular family, so we might be shunned, and just don't realize it.....
However, two years ago, a brother in our cong. stopped coming to the KH after approaching the elders on 4 different occasions, about a serious, illegal problem pertaining to a ministerial servant's work actions. The elders did nothing except make the ms teacher over the Second School and allowed to give Sunday talks. This ms had a lawsuit against him, and the brother had already won a lawsuit against the other party involved.
The brother who went to the elders was shunned, he told us of others who treated him so. We were having dinner with him and his wife. I was so green, it never occurred to me to be rude to him.
Btw, the elders never approached the legally wronged brother in any way; the sued brother is doing well in the KH. He lost his job, however, because of his actions. Guess the world sees libal, defamation of character, slander, etc. different than brothers.
3. Kismet, in Friend's defense (which he'll probably get mad about), I would be out of line if I didn't admit that I embellish my words sometimes. However, my nephew served in Bethel, and he truly was hurt by the cong. he was assigned to. They viewed him as another "Bethelboy." They ignored & belittled him, every chance they got, for a year.
Thank you for your insight. I have, as of yet, to read on the web about a man's heart. Emotions run amuck - but not much heart & soul. Your dad has a fine son, must be a reflection of himself. As they say in the South, "you done 'im proud, boy."